Starting New Plant Life


Active Member
Ok, so I have a few questions, and you can treat me as if I am stupid, I don't care as long as my questions get answered. Again I am experimenting on my harvesting abilities, and using not so great seeds. Me and my Mom just went through the seeds and squeezed them to get rid of the poppers. #1 How else can I tell if the seed is bad or not? In a little while I am going to put the seeds in wet paper towel. #2 how many seeds should I put in one paper towel and how far apart should they be? I am assuming I wait till they have sprouted, then plant them. Which leads me to my last innitial Q's. #3 What size planter's should I use, #4 how many seeds per planter, and #5 how far apart?


I would try to germ all the seeds, rather than breaking a seed that could be good. it can take up to 2 weeks to germ, ive had seeds germ in 24 hours..
i would put my seeds about 1 per CM in the towel.. or just dump them in and make sure they are spread out. Use a seperate container for each, if you dont want to transplant, then give them each their out 3 gallon or more container, if not start them in 1 gallon containers. if you do use a planter (i did for my first grow) use a big one, mine is about 10 gallons. i think a little more. 4 plants are in this, about 6 inches apart each.

basic rule of thumb is 1 gallon of pot space per foot of growth.