Starting my first grow tomorrow


tomorrow will start my first ever grow i will be germinating in paper towels and then planting them in a couple of these 2 liter bottles that i have until they are big enough to go into bigger pots in which i will be moving to a tote box with inline fan etc as seen on another forum...please any advice comments feel free up for anything




Well-Known Member
Nice, I'll be checking in. I just started my first one a few days ago, I'm already on my 2nd dud seed it looks like, 3rd seed has been germinating since this morning, hopefully 3rd time's a charm


Well-Known Member
Hey bud. Got a few things you might not wanna hear... :-?.
Ok first off I recommend getting your grow set up together before you germ your seeds that way you know if there's any kinks that need to be worked out. OK second those lights you got there: are those a red and a white incandescent bulb? You don't wanna grow with the regular type bulbs cause they're too hot and don't put put the right kind of light. If you wanna go cheap get yourself a couple compact flourescent lights, CFL's, not to insult your inteligence but if you don't know what they are they're the energy saver bulbs that are like a flourescent light that you screw into a regular socket. Get them in 100W equivelent at least. For starting to grow your seedlings you wanna get them in the 6500 k rating. This is on the package and is usually hard to find but if you search you'll find it. You'll have to get some different light when the time comes to flower but we can talk about that later. Ok next I recommend you get some jiffy pots to plant your germinated seeds in. They come in little green houses sometimes that are perfect for starting your seedlings. They have the clear plastic dome you need for starting your seedlings and come with anywhere from 12 to like 50 jiffy pots. Next when your seedlings are big enough I'd put them straight into the pot you're gonna keep 'em in. That way you don't have to transplant them ever and risk damaging the roots and stunting growth. Ok so now you got your sprouted seedling in your jiffy pot that you just planted into the big pot growing under your 6500k CFL lights in your already set up grow box... what else? Water only when soil is dry, don't feed seedlings any fert at all until it's like 3 weeks to a month old, pay close attention to your plants, if you do it right they're gonna grow a lot and you're gonna have to make adjustments often. Ok I'm tired of typing and I know that's a lot of info and probably bad news so if you got any questions let me know. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
By the way like everything I mentioned you can get at wal mart for less than 40 bucks probably. I seriously recommend thinking about a lot of it if not all of it.
Good luck bud!


there actually led lights i took off a flashlight and hooked up to a phone charger so it can be plugged into the wall and the grow set is being set up as we speak haha as a i was reading ur forum i was collecting supplies lil i took instead of a bag like u used and did a thin hard plastic separator so the roots dont tangle


and baja yea i had 8 my dumb friend swore he knew what he was doing tryed germinating in straight soil and we only got one so far outta the 8 so im gonna be starting my own grow tomorrow


Well-Known Member
lol yeah the bag was like spur of the moment cause i forgot to get something for it and just so happened to have an empty soil bag laying around ha ha
Well man I'm excited to see what you come up with, I'll definitely check back.
And I hope I didn't come off as being dickish just got to the point cause u asked ya know?


yea no trust me it was deff help no dickish taken lol just trying to help a fellow potter out i appreciate it and trust me i will need a lot more advice to come on each update i put up


Well-Known Member
and baja yea i had 8 my dumb friend swore he knew what he was doing tryed germinating in straight soil and we only got one so far outta the 8 so im gonna be starting my own grow tomorrow

Damn that sucks. You CAN germ in straight soil but like you found out the success rate is pretty low. The soil has to be crazy moist and humid, so much easier just using a paper towel. What method were you gonna go with?


well this time starting tomorrow im going paper towel.... but original plan was we had like a 12 inch round pot were we threw 8 seeds in 1/2 inch deep and as he said they word germinate and so far only one real noticeable one has germinated but tomorrow will be a new day and hopefully the beginning of a very nice grow and please keep checking for pics because i do reading wise no what im doing visual wise a little iffy cause ive never seen grown plants before etc so im hoping u guys can help me out analyzing them threw pics


Well-Known Member
Hey man I'm learning too and know how it is, just so happens I'm a night owl, this shit is really interesting to me and I wanna help as many people out as I can for a few reasons. One is a lot of people helped me and I believe in giving back whenever possible. Also I think that weed is ridiculously over priced over criminalized and over dramatized, I think people should have a better understanding and appreciation of herb. That and I just want WAAAAYYY more herb in this world. There just doesn't seem to be enough does there? lol

If you can't tell I'm high as shit right now so pretty much everything is a fucking rant haha


Well-Known Member
well this time starting tomorrow im going paper towel.... but original plan was we had like a 12 inch round pot were we threw 8 seeds in 1/2 inch deep and as he said they word germinate and so far only one real noticeable one has germinated but tomorrow will be a new day and hopefully the beginning of a very nice grow and please keep checking for pics because i do reading wise no what im doing visual wise a little iffy cause ive never seen grown plants before etc so im hoping u guys can help me out analyzing them threw pics

Sounds cool. When you germ, get like 2 thick paper towels nice and wet ring out the extra water and open them back up, put your seed on the towel and fold the sides over the seeds creating like a little envelope...?? understand? then put it on a regular glass plate and put a glass bowl over top of the towel. Make sure that the bowl sits flush with the plate and I'm thinking, if you got good seeds, all of them will germ within a couple days.


hahaha yea same here night owl on this so interesting been reading about if for weeks getting all types of ideas and yea bro ill throw some pics up of some mcgiver type shit ive made went to gf college ceramics class made a crazy bong lol hit that shit a lil earlier and went to go for a bowl cant find high...made a highligher pipe ....and yea way to over priced and stupid drama bs over it i just like smoking some reggae some rebulation and relaxin


thats what im hopping for some good germ i didnt get any crazy seeds because its my first grow a couple grows before i start trying some good herb but for now just smoking growing herb


Well-Known Member
Look at the 4th page on my grow thread, there's a pic of a 4 day old seedling from a crappy sack. I did the paper towel method as well


yea i see that thats what a little bit of the batch my friend fucked up one of them looks like its maybe an inch topsssssss outta the ground 2 leaves on it im gonna snap a pic tomorrow of it show u guys what they look like see if u can maybe distinguish more bud in the pot


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the one in that pic is a male, from what I've read they seem to grow faster from seeds. I'm probably going to our collective tomorrow, if the price is right I might pick up a clone while I'm there, it just depends on this mystery med seed I've been germinating for about 12 hours now


Well-Known Member
Hey man,
If your seedlings look like bajas, that's not too bad for 4 days. i'd worry if they look like that in 2 weeks, lol.
If this is your first grow you're gonna over analyze everything and worry way more than you need to. I'm sure they're fine as long as you're doing it right ya know.


alright guys im about to put pictures up of the ver very first batch to see if u can see how bad we fucked up and i want to transplant them into seperate pots