Starting grow


Well-Known Member
Okay I am now on my second grow, but this time I have germinated the seeds first. I know this might sound stupid, but I never germinated first and need to know which side goes up and which goes down. Does the seed go on the bottom or does the root coming out? I usually just throw the seeds in the dirt and wait for them to come up. It usually works, but figured I'd try something new. I looked in the how to grow section, but the picture had it sideways and I was like "What the fuck!!?" Thank you for your help everyone. Want to make sure I do it right.


Well-Known Member
If you happened to put it the other way, could it turn itself up??? What problems could occur?


Well-Known Member
it might be able to succeed but it will take longer. you're putting these seeds under tents to keep the humidity up and spraying frequently, right?


Active Member
So I just germinated 3 seeds, put one in some rockwoll upside down, 2 sprouted, 1 sprouted upsidedown with the root barely sticking out of the rockwool and the stem buried, after careful surgery, yeah that plant is dead.
Remember up is up and down is down


Active Member
i ordered some white widow from nirvana and i got it in 8 business days. Excellent stealth. i got 10 seeds and it was so well hidden i was immediately impressed. anyway without hessitation i put those bad boys to germinate. I put them in a clean damp wash cloth and put them in a half open sandwich bag (instead of paper towels). i am a first grower so im nervous about the towels. Will a wash cloth rot my seeds or am i o.k.


Active Member
I germinated the seeds in a paper towel. Do I remove them from the paper towel as they are ready to be planted one at a time ? or do I remove them from the paper towel when most of them look ready ?

I think I should of left a few seeds to germinate longer in the paper towel..

What happens if they never get going in the pots ? can you put them back in the paper towel to germinate a longer root ?