Im not knocking other growers prefered methods but the use of rockwool is unwarranted since other better mediums have came to market that have less issues & no learning curve that comez with rockwool.
With rockwool you have ph issues as well as overwatering & medium compression,any of these issues can sink your grow before it starts,so IMO why even waste time using an inferior product that offers no added benifit from its use to make up for the difficulties caused from its use.
Products made of sponge material like "root riot" starter plugs offer a much better alternative,they wont get water logged & drown the seedling,they are ph neutral & are impossible to compress to a point they wont regain proper density.
Ive been doing flood tables for over 3 years now full time after growing soil for 20 some odd years,i started out with rockwool & had assloads of problems,i switched over to using sponge material plugs & my grows exploded,every problem went away overnight.
Germinate the seeds however you like & after the seeds pop stick them in a root riot & just keep em watered & wet at all times,the sponge material can handel watering times as frequent as you like without drowning them.
Being that i use no medium in my tables i flood once every hour with no problems from overwatering,i love the sponges.