starting cfl grow need help


Active Member
im going to start my 1st indoor grow since its winter and i cant grow outside i want to do a cheap grow with cfls questions i have are
how many cfls do i need for 2 plants in a sort of small tent plants will be 1 1/2 ft
and what kind of cfls
also i know plants flower 12/12 cause the sun when there outdoor but would they flower with cfls and what kind of cfls do i need to flower

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
You can use as many, or few, CFL bulbs as you want. What it depends on is how large the plants get.

Personally, I suggest you keep your plants short and topped, beginning flowering sometime around day 25 to 30 from seed. The topping will help keep the canopy stay a little more even which is important with CFL bulbs. Incorporating some small grow through plant supports might help also.

Ideally, you're not going to spend more than $80 on the entire set up because at that point you may as well get a 150w HPS for more light with less energy at the same cost. Figure each bulb and socket is going to run you about $8 on the average. Figure a $40 setup would be 5 bulbs total. I wouldn't go over 7 bulbs, with three bulbs for each plant and a single bulb between them.

Clamp light reflectors are definitely the easiest and most efficient fixture's I've found. Get the medium sized ones (6" I think).

Some people drop the ol' watts per plant thing with CFL bulbs. Not entirely accurate. The key is to get the bulbs close to the plants and to minimize the loss of energy. Figure one bulb for every 3-4 inches of growth.

Flowering indoors happens when there is more dark than light. You need the tent ventilated and light tight.

Most people use 2700K CFL bulbs despite the light they produce being mostly unusable to the plant. I prefer mostly Daylight CFL bulbs from start to finish but it is good to incorporate some Soft White lighting.

A good setup would include three 27w Daylight bulbs per plant and a single 46w Soft White bulb between them using the circular design to maximum effect.


Active Member
i know about topping and flowering
the other info is informative thank you
so your saying i dont need soft whites?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
also i know plants flower 12/12 cause the sun when there outdoor but would they flower with cfls ...
i know about ...flowering

I didn't say you don't need Soft whites.
If you read the post I suggest you include a combination of both...

I simply suggest you use primarily Daylight bulbs because they provide more PAR energy.
Ive found that if you lst them with CFLs they grow better than topping cause theres no recovery time with CFLs and the plant can use that energy to grow and produce more bud sites witch results in a bigger yeild


Active Member
so what kind of light bulbs should i get for veg i plan on growing to small lst plants and i only wana use 4 cfls 4 veg which should i get


any brand will work if thats what you mean. as long as you use 2700 k and 6500 k, for budding and veg growth respectively.. i have a little grow im setting up with 4 26watt 2300k cfls i got at home depot. 10 bucks for the 4 of em. home depot doesnt carry 6500 k daylight bulbs, i made the mistake of buying their daylights which are only 5000k . i know they have 43 watt 6500k cfls at lowes, but im not sure about any smaller though it is likely. check on the side of the actual bulb for the right "k", color temp is not regularly put out on the package. hope this helps


Active Member
Hey man, good to see there are more and more CFL growers out there. I'm about a month and a half into my own CFL closet grow, using 504 watts of 2700k CFL light. First of all, If you haven't checked it out already, I'd recommend you head to Barnes and Noble or Borders and find a copy of Buds for Less, by SeeMoreBuds. It's a picture filled grow journal about growing successfully with compact fluorescent lights. If you can't get your hands on a copy, just browse the different threads under the Growing with CFLs section of the main forum menu. (It's a subheading) Anyway, good luck and let us know more about your plans or ideas. I can help with suggestions for soil and light if you're interested.

If you want some ideas check out my grow journal. I have pictures and descriptions of what I've done to be successful so far.