Start to finish how much nitrogen does a marijuana plant need.


Well-Known Member
Start to finish how much nitrogen does a marijuana plant need? Say a 6 foot tall photoperiod of average shape grown in soil. Not concerned with separate veg or flower states, just the total amount in milligrams. Phosphorus and Potassium too!

I couldn't find info on the web.

Anybody have data?
3:1:2 npk for veg
2:1:3 npk for flower
Is my ratio for rule of thumb. Runoff helps leech out leftover nutes in case the plant doesn't use alot of some, and prevents burn. I am for 10-20% runoff and make sure the plant can't suck it back up
I beleve bugsbee said somewhere in his video per gram of plant.
But what you need to think is how much light you have and that will affect how much hunger she has and allsoo her genetics will affect it as well.some strains like it at 800ppm some at 1500ppm....
Start to finish how much nitrogen does a marijuana plant need? Say a 6 foot tall photoperiod of average shape grown in soil. Not concerned with separate veg or flower states, just the total amount in milligrams. Phosphorus and Potassium too!

I couldn't find info on the web.

Anybody have data?
About a pound.
Start to finish how much nitrogen does a marijuana plant need? Say a 6 foot tall photoperiod of average shape grown in soil. Not concerned with separate veg or flower states, just the total amount in milligrams. Phosphorus and Potassium too!

I couldn't find info on the web.

Anybody have data?

If you really want the info it's out there, but if you want goofy answers from potheads well you be the judge?

If you really want the info it's out there, but if you want goofy answers from potheads well you be the judge?

Yes, those wacky youngin's were making sport of this old man. I did find the data you posted, thanks. That is a variable rate for hydro? I also found some application rates for potted plants also. I wanted the all said and done total weight (at harvest) of N in the plant. I guess one could use your hydro application rate and multiply it by the number of applications to that plant and weigh the plant?
You could only possibly figure that out for a specific cultivar after several test runs with a baseline and several plants with various inputs. Sounds like a fun project but is the juice worth the squeeze?

What is the point of knowing or caring how much total N a plant uses during its life cycle?

What works for one cultivar may not be optimal for the next. Even the same strain could have different phenotypes that are individually specific to their N requirements.
If you really want the info it's out there, but if you want goofy answers from potheads well you be the judge?

Pothead insight forthcoming:
While it's useful information to give a recommended N concentration, the question was the total weight of nutes used for an "average" 6 foot plant.
Sure, he could feed at 160ppm N but that doesn't answer the unanswerable question of total nutes used for the hypothetical plant.
PPM is only one part of the equation; frequency and duration are unknown.
Pothead insight forthcoming:
While it's useful information to give a recommended N concentration, the question was the total weight of nutes used for an "average" 6 foot plant.
Sure, he could feed at 160ppm N but that doesn't answer the unanswerable question of total nutes used for the hypothetical plant.
PPM is only one part of the equation; frequency and duration are unknown.

Frequency, duration, environmental conditions, and many more aspects. No real way to plot this unless you've worked out all the variations of how you're growing in your instance. Different soils take different amounts of feed/water per instance and different feed/watering frequency & schedules. Lighting, temps, humidity are part of the equation as well, different strains, different phenotypes take different levels, etc.
PPM in the solution of N P K etc is what is always used, the weight or whatever you after is never done. Way too many variables like size, time, etc. 100 to 150 ppm N 30-60 ppm P, and 150-200 ppm K is a good starting point.