Squinty eyes when stoned


Active Member
so i was wondering about peoples eyes i smoked for a while but my eyes dont get as red as much any more is it because i dont smoke as much as i used to in one setting or do some people just act differently when there get fucked up like red and half way oppen and closed type stuff, personal question How fucked up have your eyes been before?
My eyes don't get nearly as red as they used to. I look like I'm squinting most of the time anyway XP What's really annoying is one eye is more closed than the other usually.
Usually when I'm baked my left eye looks like it's bleeding it's so red and my right eye is totally white freaks people out



...and of course, yours truly with a snootful. cn
People are always like...sloths are so gentle and cool and whatnot cuz they're all slow...but one day they're gonna run out of bud and get all pissed off and rip some people apart with them huge mofoing claws, man.

I look like you'd think someone stoned would look. Squinty eyes, half paying attention, rambling on about sloths. Luckily no redness.
People are always like...sloths are so gentle and cool and whatnot cuz they're all slow...but one day they're gonna run out of bud and get all pissed off and rip some people apart with them huge mofoing claws, man.

I look like you'd think someone stoned would look. Squinty eyes, half paying attention, rambling on about sloths. Luckily no redness.

sloths be slothin it up