Squeezed the rockwool


Active Member
As the title says, after soaking my rockwool cubes for 24hours in PH'd water, I gave 'em a little squeeze to get the excess water out. I didn't squeeze the hell out of them, but gave them a light to medium squeeze.

I hadn't read that this wasn't a good idea, but have now seen where this can "break down the pockets of air in the rockwool" or something similar. Am I screwed or do you think my plants will still grow alright? I don't feel like doing another 24 hour soak with the last 4 cubes I have if I don't have to.



Sector 5 Moderator
Yes, they are completely doomed, no chance of recovering. In fact, they will probably mutate into pure white mold and breed fungus gnats; that's how the Miracle Grow company grows their fungus gnat eggs - they start out with some pot seeds in rock wool then squeeze it out just a little extra and presto. I think you'll be fine. :)


Well-Known Member

Nahh you should be fine if your plants aren't looking very good at the moment they should bounce back soon


Active Member
Just wanted to say thanks for the responses, peoples. I've read both things: 1. "Squeeze the rockwool slightly to get rid of the excess water after soaking them" and 2. "DON'T SQUEEZE THE ROCKWOOL! It breaks down the air pockets!"

All seems to be fine.


Sector 5 Moderator
Yeah, they are hardy little girls for the most part. I just dunk my cubes, pull them out and let them sit for a bit on top of some hydroton rocks. Sometimes I gently sling them downwards to sort of centrifuge the water towards the bottom.