Sprouts Afghan Grow

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Well-Known Member
hell ya.. mine would be much further ahead if i Could figure out whats wrong with em. I just cut clones from a mom about a week ago and the clones are acting odd. The leaves are curling in as if they are being overwatered yet I only water them about once every 4 days. Theyre also turnning a light green color, what gives? :(
after reading over your post again, that last post I created skips right over cloning. Lowes was out of RooTone so i never got a chance to try. guess i was too lazy to go anywhere else. All of my experience has been from seeds, but the grow princess is the master at cloning.
I know that it takes a little while for the roots to set in and that they will go hungry until this happens. I believe the old leaves will die off while new ones take their place. I could be wrong though. Princess. Can you help my buddy out a little plz?


Well-Known Member
hell ya.. mine would be much further ahead if i Could figure out whats wrong with em. I just cut clones from a mom about a week ago and the clones are acting odd. The leaves are curling in as if they are being overwatered yet I only water them about once every 4 days. Theyre also turnning a light green color, what gives? :(
when clones are really beginning to root the leaves will begin to yellow or discolor slightly as the energy is reversed from leaf production to root production...Im always happy when I see this change in color it meant the magic is happening.....as long as the clone doesnt fall over or go limp then the discoloration means you are days away from seeing roots......YELLOW LEAVES ON CLONES=good


Well-Known Member
And shes the best cloner I know so there you go buddy, all is GOOD and sensi is just around the corner!


Well-Known Member
thats real cute.... try and focus on dreams just about me
I'm glad you liked it. It ended up caligurl fell asleep while I slid up inside of you.

Now i've really gotten away from my grow. focus sprouts focus! You girls are just so damn sexy though...

So I'm looking back and I didn't even mention that I started curing or that my second grow is a beast of a plant. Guess thats what happens when you mix getting hi and chatting to the girls with trying to make a journal...

Lets back track through the second grow:
I'll have to use a timeline
Second Grow(Angel)
I'm not exactly sure of the date but this was the week I planted two new seeds. One was male, the other was Angel.

The two plants under my 50watt hps started stretching so much that I pruned them to keep them bushy

3-03-08 - Started Flowering
I seen angel in the group of pictures I uploaded on this day. By this time she had grown taller than Winter.

She started to flower very nicely when I removed Winter and put her front and center. I also transplanted her to a sand pail half the size of Winters container in an effort to stop her from growing so fast.

then i got some 1ups from pink

After that i kind of neglected her watering every other day and her soil dried out causing some smaller leaves to die and the light got to small to put her under and burned some of her leaves so i moved her to the window. I didn't even give her a name until last night! so now she is getting plenty of light and almost touching my ceiling. And this is what Angel looks like right now. yes that is a window behind her and yes that is my ceiling she is almost touching... I may have to cut a hole to the attic before this is all over jk



Well-Known Member
I couldn't fit that foot long one in the jar so i had to trim it down a little. Here is what I have been curing along with the extra that wont fit in the jar. So now I have a frozen bag of little buds, a big jar of buds and some extra left over for me to vape in the mean time...I'm having so much fun right now:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
so i'm sitting down for my evening smoke with a shot of bourbon and wanted to post a little somethin. Put the camera away this afternoon so there will be no pictures of what i'm tasting right now but I will tell you this, it is not harsh or planty or even wet. it is just gooey. and once it gets on your fingers it will stay. I've tried to wash it off, but it's still there. at least it is white so it's almost like its not there untill you smell your finger. That's the best way to know if your girl is squirting or pissing on you. If it's white she just creamed all over you. If it's yellow and smelly then well... then we would know for sure.

edit: ah shit i did have a picture of what i smoked. It's in blue. and you can see the head of my main cola in the bottom circled in red. It has a great big ball sac right on top tall and proud. I'd like to see one of you girls grow a nice new sac of balls. Winter gets nothing but respect from me babe.


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