spreading the stems really worth it??


Ive been told by several that I should spread open the branches so my buds get bigger... Ive done one plant so far and broke 3 stems a little bit.. not all the way just a crack so i taped them back together and assume they will heal. Any sugg. on how to do it and if it will be worth it?


Active Member
1-For the branches to heal you need to put some honey in the wound and wrap it with gauze. 2- You need to low stress train, if you bend the branches over about an inch each day she will get use to it, and yes training your plant will almost always produce more yeild because you are getting more light to not just the top of the plant but the insides as well. go slow......


Well-Known Member
1-For the branches to heal you need to put some honey in the wound and wrap it with gauze. 2- You need to low stress train, if you bend the branches over about an inch each day she will get use to it, and yes training your plant will almost always produce more yeild because you are getting more light to not just the top of the plant but the insides as well. go slow......
To the OP

Tape will work fine. Or even string. I would not put any honey on my plant. Bugs are likly to come. I would not put gauze on my plant. It will hold water and bring mold.

Just tape it like you did. Then use string about 2 inches above the break and tie the branch back to another branch for support.

If you plants alreay have buds your stems are going to be stiff like that.

How bushy are your plants? And how big? If they are not super bushy and budding I would not even worry about it.

I always tie my branches at the V where they will split for support. Then tie the top over. If you do not tie the V area of the branch it will just rip the branch at the V. Always tie the V together. Hope that make since.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, never heard the honey deal... I would stay away from that. I have used tree pruning compound before to seal open cuts or breaks, because I was worried about mold or rot setting in. That worked well.

Stick with 5150's suggestion about tying the V's. He knows...


Active Member
Ya i learned about the honey out of the grow bible, it works pretty well, supplies the plants with carbs to heal faster, they can breath through gauze and since air gets through it wont mold.....


Well-Known Member
i do it lots... my plants are fine.. my buds are bigger than they would be if i left them and i have longer nodes plus more bud on each node... as for taping / string / honey you dont need it!!! after the node splits a bit from slowly bending it down near the bud and then bending it up slowly around your thumb.... after the node slplits a tiny bit grip the main stalk with your finers and push the bottom of the node in closing it back up and your plant will fully seal it back in about 1-2 days depending on how much u split the stack......good luck