Spots on my babies!


Hello everyone. I am currently growing 4 Aurora Indica plants indoors hydroponically. The method is deep water culture (simple airstones in a bucket). I will post the pictures of my plants development and the spots that I have one them. The red bucket is at 6 weeks now and the green one is at 5 weeks. (interesting note is that the plants green one is younger and larger and was germinated in a ziplock bag then transferred to sure-to-gro medium, while the red bucket seeds were germinated straight in sure-to-gro medium.)

-Also, I plan on taking clones from the plants this week because they are mature now. The clones will be mother plants later while I flower theses babies, cuz I need me some bud! lol

So, if anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it. Thanks a bunch guys! :peace: :joint: :blsmoke:


