spots on leaf


Active Member
flowering cycle
watering ~3-5 days
no nutes
water ph ~6
mg violet soil

plants have been in this setup for a few weeks and have been blowing up wonderfully. but just recently i noticed spots on the leaf. and when i pick up the plant and look through the leafs they all are like this. i have another strain of plant right next to it that is doing perfect so its not bugs. what could it be?



Active Member
Both of these leaves in figure 3 and figure 4 are from the same plant. It could be over fertilization, but more likely it is due to the pH being off. Too high or too low a pH can lock up nutrients in the form of undisolvable salts and compounds, some of which are actually toxic to the plants. What then happens is the grower then tries to supplement the plants diet by adding more fertilizers, throwing off the pH even more and locking up even more nutrients. This type of problem is seen more often in soil mixes, where inconsistent mixing of the medium's components leads to "hot" spots.

That is my guess...even though your water is pH of ~6, your soil could be otherwise, who knows why. But if you can, check your soil pH and let us know ASAP.


Active Member
still dunno what is going on. my other plant is getting the exact same treatment and looks perfect. looks like dirty growing on the leaves

