Spiders/Lady Bugs!? Help please!

I hate those mother fuckers:cuss:
I was checking on my grow literally 5 minutes ago and had one the size of quarter fall on me and i nearly shit myself. Anyways are they a benefit or just a nuisance. Also I saw something on youtube where a guy let a bunch of lady bugs in his grow room. I noticed something munched on my plants but it stopped a few weeks ago. With fall here and lady bugs starting to get in my house anyways would it be alright to put them on the plants?


Active Member
They guy on the internet had spidermites. They are really small and the lady bugs lovem, as for your spider he cant do no bad i would just leave him be. The lady bugs will do no harm to your plants. Good luck
They guy on the internet had spidermites. They are really small and the lady bugs lovem, as for your spider he cant do no bad i would just leave him be. The lady bugs will do no harm to your plants. Good luck
thanks so much, going to get the fly swatter and whoop some arachnid ass now. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
i dislike spiders very much terrified of em.,.,but they are pest control/.,.,.ladybugs are angels that watch over ure plant all is all.,.,so u cant fall
Lady bugs are good for plants and gardens because they eat other insects like spider mites that can harm your plants. People buy them from nurseries and let them go in their greenhouses to eat other insects. You can also buy praying mantis eggs for the same reason. The spider is good for that also but if it were me i would move that thing outside ( i don't like spiders in my house );-)