Spiders, Earwigs, Grasshoppers & Other Bugs

This is my first outdoor grow and so far so good. Growing in the sun beats anything I've used indoors but I was really not prepared for the extra variables that come with doing it outdoors.

I moved my plants outdoors in mid May and ever since it I've been battling nature for their lives. This is in a woodlands area of Southern Ontario and weed doesn't really fit right into the ecosystem here. While my plants were still in veg they really took some abuse from nature, some died, but many adapted.

Now they are all happily flowering and I heard somewhere that when the resin is a natural insecticide or at least deters insects from coming close, but all my plants are in different flowering stages.

They are all f2 hybrid seeds from nothern lights x white widow (both from BC Bud Depot) and seeds from an unknown female that was pollinated with both NL and WWidow. 3 basic phenotypes, i'll make a large thread with pics and background info when i'm ready to harvest.

-Some of my plants had their main growth shutes chewed on by some insect (some plants are 5ft tall, and i killed that rabbit) which is doing something similar to FIM topping where the growth shutes are shocked back into veg state and then branch out with half leaves.. the buds forming on those phenotypes are forming poorly, but the plants are getting to be massive. Will they eventually produce enough resin to stop insects from eating the growth shutes? Will insecticide help or will that just wash off trichomes? I suspect this was done by grasshoppers.

-Only the really tall plants are suffering from half eaten growth shutes, the other 2 phenotypes don't have any problems with insects or have any mutated leaves, but all of my plants are now housing on average 1.5 spiders each. I'm not sure if this is a problem because spiders obviously eat small insects, but some of them do like to bend and web random leaves together to make home for itself. I'm pretty sure spiders eat each other when they hatch, I only ever see 1-2 on a plant at a time. They act like guardians sitting on my colas, eating larvae and trapping moths in their webs, but should I consider them a problem? They only moved in recently after all the insect damage was done, will they caused problems in the future?

-The last pest I see every morning buried under my buds looking for a cool damp spot to spend the daylight are Earwigs. Now I know Earwigs are omnivores and are considered beneficial to most veg gardens only up until the point where they decide to be lazy and just eat my buds instead of the insects on my buds. These guys seem to be immune to the natural deterrents in the resin that keeps most insects off my flowering plants. I'm not sure if they are feeding on tiny insects or on the buds themselves or if they are just using it as shelter. Anyone have any comments about earwigs and their relationship to cannabis?


I'd bet it's grasshoppers or crickets.... they seem to eat whatever they damn well please.... whenever they please, and I've found nothign that keeps them away
I'd bet it's grasshoppers or crickets.... they seem to eat whatever they damn well please.... whenever they please, and I've found nothign that keeps them away
oh ya that's definitely what they are, gd crickets they live in and around the grass field i planted in. I was afraid of that, I only used mild insecticide when they were still vegging but stopped when flowers started to pop, it didn't seem to do anything cuz all my late bloomers still have evidence of cricket bites. It seems to just be vegging plants they like to eat tho, thank god i'm well into flowering them.

The only other major issue i had was I found larvae bud worms at one point but that was a few weeks ago, i got rid of as many as i saw then i think the spiders cleared them out when they moved in.

So Spiders.. a viable form of pest control? They are your typical small grasslands spider that lives in thick grass and low shrubs, they usually put up webs between plants overnight and probably eat all the microscopic insects i can't see.. anyone have any idea or experience to share?