spider mites?


Well-Known Member
do mites only get under the leaves or can they get down in the base of the stem? in the aerogarden the growing medium is kind of exposed (The spongey part) and some fibers and dog hairs have gotten in there and some look like spider mites. do mites turn the leaves brown spotted?


Well-Known Member
two of the 3 of my plants have been stunned and most likley will die. my big one still looks at least 50 percent healthy.... i dunno if it is spider mites >.<


Well-Known Member
spider mites are very hard to see with an untrained eye..remember that and make sure you are looking at spider mites. most people use a 30x glass to see them.


Well-Known Member
Do you actually see bugs? I know that it is common among aerogarden users to have their first couple sets of leaves turn yellowish....If this is the case they will out grow it....If you look in my gallery at some of my very first pics you will see what I mean.....I know that Vandewalle and merc one or maybe it was brnpiper had this problem as well.....

As I said they may out grow it unless it is somthing else



Well-Known Member
You should also put some duct taper over the holes that you are not using....Duh! c'mon man, you don't want shit falling into your water contaminating everything....plus the light hitting the water is a perfect habitat for growing algea, and that is bad.....use your head bro....

But good luck and peace


Well-Known Member
its like brown and killing my plants. one is already a gonner. and it is spreading rather fast :o.... well it might of not been spider mites i saw just a bunch of fuzz, i removed some and it seemed to be nothing... i dunno they are getting brown and crispy

i thought the open holes helped with air flow or oxygen or some shit


Well-Known Member
Make sure PH is good too and dont over nute I know its hard not to but trust me a little does go a long way. I cant think of any other reasons why your plants may be like this other than what I have just stated....



Well-Known Member
NO. Cover those damn holes... thats probobly your problem....

If your plants dont recover.... clean the shit out of the resivoir and the sponges, and try again with everything I have just said.



Well-Known Member
okay there are most def some sort of white/cloudy mold or some shit building up on the greyish sponge thingy...it is only on one though the other 2 look sub-normal but the one on the sucsessful plant is all cloudy looking o_O

alright man thanks, i didnt think little floaty craps would screw my shit up so much :[


Well-Known Member
I have had this moldy stuff that you are explaining as well....I dont think it is mold because it never caused me a problem. I actually think it is Salt build up from the nutes...

What are little floaty craps?


Well-Known Member
just like dust and randoms from clothing and some dog hair.... i'm glad to hear about your white stuff too, i am gonna scrap the 2 that are really shitty, and replace them with fresh ones and then leave the biggun and hope she stays alive.... or maybe i should scrap her too because she is infected... don't wanna risk new infections... bah i dunno i'll be back later!


Well-Known Member
that white fuzz could be the webs the spider mites weave and yes they get on the bottom of the leaves and lay eggs there. There are insecticide sprays that will kill them, and there are some that will kill the eggs also. Having to much heat or too little ventilation will help them. I came back from vacation to an infested room a little over a week before harvest. I sprayed the shit out of them with an insectacide and opend the room for ventilation. Fortunately I got rid of them with just that one application. You may have to do it a couple of times if you already ahve brown spots on the bottom of the leaves. If you use a 30x magnifiying glass you will see them. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I caught mine early on and used this stuff called Bugzyme. Foliar sprayed it, seems to have prevented them from doing anything serious.


Well-Known Member
If you want to fuc-up everything with an insect heartbeat then use Neem Oil every 10 days. Spray all the leaves and undersides.

Hang some No Pest Strips as well.

For serious infestations, buy some pyrethrine bombs and fog the bastards to death.

Do this and you will wage major jihad on anything with an exoskeleton and send them to see allah.


Well-Known Member
haaha cool. damn dude if i have spider mites i am going to freak. just the thought of seeing little fucking mini spiders freaks the fucking hell out of me. i am still to see any spider mites but that white stuff around he base of the stem looks like webs and my leaves are all fucked with brown spots everywhere. i'm just guessing that is what is killing my babies.

i use a few fans and keep the temp down... i dunno, i might just have to do some spring cleaning and trash my 3 week old crop :[


Well-Known Member
that white fuzz could be the webs the spider mites weave and yes they get on the bottom of the leaves and lay eggs there. There are insecticide sprays that will kill them, and there are some that will kill the eggs also. Having to much heat or too little ventilation will help them. I came back from vacation to an infested room a little over a week before harvest. I sprayed the shit out of them with an insectacide and opend the room for ventilation. Fortunately I got rid of them with just that one application. You may have to do it a couple of times if you already ahve brown spots on the bottom of the leaves. If you use a 30x magnifiying glass you will see them. Good luck.

phew, that was close. you caught it. i was ready the first page, mites, mites, mites. sounds like webbing. spots on the leaves especially tiny spots is a sure sign of mites. you can use any magnification that you have on hand. find a large spotty leaf, turn it over and look at the center of the blades. don't move. do you see them moving. they don't like the direct light so usually when you flip the leaf over and watch very closely you will see movement. now scratch yourself for the rest of the night. got me all itchy. i hate creppy crawlies. i use "don't bug me" it's all natural and kills them dead. must be reapplied over a few days to kill all hatchlings. safe for food products up to a week before harvest.


Well-Known Member
oh my god i feel so fucking gross all over right now :(

if i spray them it is for sure going to get into the water system.... Blarg i am thinking about scrapping my plants doing a deep cleaning of my room and restarting!

where can i get these harmless bug sprays?


Well-Known Member
oh my god i feel so fucking gross all over right now :(

if i spray them it is for sure going to get into the water system.... Blarg i am thinking about scrapping my plants doing a deep cleaning of my room and restarting!

where can i get these harmless bug sprays?
Neem Oil and No Pest strips are available at Home Depot/Lowes


Well-Known Member
i still don't know if i have spider mites or some sort of fungus or what :(!
i am sad that i have to trash my big pretty lady....she looks like she is doing so good. if only i knew what this was ;_;


Active Member
pyrethrine bombs will kill fungus gnats also, i had that problem and it worked after only one time. plus they will also kill mites. my problem is my plants are so big about 6 feet that spraying them is a pain.but i alternate bombs,avid, neem and sm90. the closer you get to harvest stick with pyrethrine bombs and sm90. the last month just use sm90 every 3-4 days. neem will make your buds taste like crap!