Spider Mites


Well-Known Member
I moved my plants to basement the other week and went down there tonight and found spider mites. They were only on a few leaves of 1 plant thats 2 1/2 weeks old. Im going to go out looking for some neem oil but until then i was reading in high times that you can put 3 ciggerettes in water overnight then boil it the next day for 3 minutes. after that suppose to spray on leaves 3-4 times a week. Has anyone ever done this? And if so, I smoke Newports, is the fiber glass in the tobbacco going to hurt my plants?:cry: thanks guys


Well-Known Member
nicotinic acid works, but it stinks, and leaves a residue that will clog stomata. use neem or green light's fruit tree spray.

hot shot no pest strips are great too, but be wary; they can kill pets and children if they are in the same room for hours.



Well-Known Member
i got it in a room no one but my and my mom gettin into so thats no prob think i might look for those no pest strips and get neem oil too


Well-Known Member
iused a organic /hydroponic fogger for my room it worked great............good luck. Hi Kind princess good to see you.


I moved my plants to basement the other week and went down there tonight and found spider mites. They were only on a few leaves of 1 plant thats 2 1/2 weeks old. Im going to go out looking for some neem oil but until then i was reading in high times that you can put 3 ciggerettes in water overnight then boil it the next day for 3 minutes. after that suppose to spray on leaves 3-4 times a week. Has anyone ever done this? And if so, I smoke Newports, is the fiber glass in the tobbacco going to hurt my plants?:cry: thanks guys
myth busted, there is no fiber glass in newports!

about that method - i'm not sure! you can wipe the leafs off with a sponge, top and bottom, very gently, and get that neem oil asap. spider mites are discouraged by moisture and slickness.


Well-Known Member
Its like 476 inches by 35 and there are fiber glass in newports that makes them taste like menthol and then the peices stick in your throat and make u cough blood years later no other cigg will do it


i've smoked them for many years, fiberglass being in newports has never been true - that is not used for the menthol taste, burnt fiberglass does not taste like menthol. plz google.


Well-Known Member
I never cleaned the soil from the plant that my spider mites are in. I took out all the dirt i could without messin up the roots and added organic soil worm castings and manure. When made this one too i put in 5 gall not thinkin right away. Now im stuck with all this dirt in the bottom that not sterile. Should i still just buy the spray and keep it on her as needed. Shes 2 1/2 weeks. any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
you need to stay on top of mites meaning they hatch very rapidly, you need to inspect your plants at least every 2 days now to ensure they have been killed one mite starts the whole colony again!


Well-Known Member
the mite cycle is 4-7 days. to effectively erradicate them you need to spray every four days, at least a total of three times.



Well-Known Member
I just went out and bought 2 in one insect spray. It says for spider mites on it, and says for use for vegtables fruits and all other plants. Sprayed a little on but cant find anymore spider mites or eggs under leaves. Gonna keep a close eye on em. Thanks all for everything, thought i was gonna die(or my plant)


Well-Known Member
who is it made by?

i've used a three way product on roses...

all i can say is try it on a branch and see what happens. if you have a dummy plant to test on, spray the whole plant and leave the others be until you know.



Well-Known Member
I sprayed on 1 leaf like 2 days ago and nothin happen but i been checkin leaves like crazy for 2 days not seen one spider mite or egg