Spider Mites

What about lemon juice? I dont have citric acid on hand. Im not infested yet but i know how they roll. Right now i have maybe one or at most two on each leaf.
I recently have ran across this problem as well and it destroyed a hole room waited to long to treat the plant. I have used Dawn dish soap and sprayed it on top and on the bottom of leaves and have had success before
Ok i looked again today after last nights dowsing of neem oil. Plant looks amazing and i looked under several leaves and nothing. Is there a way to keep mites and everything away?
Ok i looked again today after last nights dowsing of neem oil. Plant looks amazing and i looked under several leaves and nothing. Is there a way to keep mites and everything away?
You need to be sure to retreat the plants 3 days after your first treatment to catch any new hachlings. To be VERY sure they're all gone, I like to do 4 treatments, once every 3 days-with citric acid. I also like to run some neem through with their nutrient solution and a wetting agent, just to be sure the media gets fully treated as well (strong citric acid solution doesn't make a good root drench.

To keep them away is pretty simple-just spray them (tops/bottoms of leaves and soil) with a neem spray once per week- 5 ml cold pressed neem/quart along with some yucca or Dr. Bronners as a wetting agent. Neem can also be used to treat them, but it takes longer than citric acid-I'd spray them well with neem ever 3 days for 2 weeks, then drop down to once per week after that. I haven't had any insect or fungal issues since starting a weekly IPM spray with neem and Southern Ag GFF. During Veg of course, don't spray neem during flower.
Have you tried sparyed Dawn dish soap on the leaf's and let it set for 15-20 minutes and rinse the leaf's off. This method was successful for me years ago, just make sure you use a brand new spray bottle
. You don't want to spary other chemical's on the plant you do not know. Best of luck to you and hope this tip helps
One part dish soap to say four parts water because it can clog the sprayer but you want to shake it up or you can mix it up and put it on the sponge and gently Pat the leaves but make sure you rinse it off after you let it set for 15-20 minutes
One part dish soap to say four parts water because it can clog the sprayer but you want to shake it up or you can mix it up and put it on the sponge and gently Pat the leaves but make sure you rinse it off after you let it set for 15-20 minutes
[/QUOTE im thinking if i use dawn a quarter cup for a quart sprayer?
How much dish soap for a quart sprayer
One part dish soap to say four parts water because it can clog the sprayer but you want to shake it up or you can mix it up and put it on the sponge and gently Pat the leaves but make sure you rinse it off after you let it set for 15-20 minutes
a 1:4 ratio of soap and water is just so wrong, don't do this.
I can't imagine trying to rinse this off a plant, or using a sponge to apply it to individual leaves.

I haven't used it in a while, but it's more like a few drops-1/2 teaspoon to a qt, depending on what you are applying.
Non ionic surfactant is a better choice than soap on any day. Much lower ppm, better coverage, 1 teasp/gal.
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