Spider mites


Well-Known Member
Saw little webs on the clone I have in my garage. I just bought predator lady bugs for my blackberries. I released them yesterday so I caught on and put it on the clone. Any suggestions on what I should do.
Buy some predator mites. More effective than ladybugs for spider mites. They are inexpensive in my area, 2 dollars for a small sachet. One sachet per 2 ft height and width roughly per plant.

Untill then spray foilage and stem and petioles with water.

Mites love stressed for nutrients plants and dirty as in dusty plants. They like warm places with little airflow so a fan will help out some.

And FYI gotta keep the adult ladybugs around to lay eggs. Its the hatched larvae that eat the mites.
Unless you need that clone just throw it away. If you feel confident dealing with mites I like to rotate Azamax, Greenclean and DIY of Iso/Water every 3 to 4 days up to 14 days in flower or first buds whichever comes first.