Spider mites problem day 28 in flower ): please read

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20171229_233757.jpg 20171229_233746.jpg 20171229_233730.jpg 20171229_233712.jpg 20171229_233710.jpg 20171229_233706.jpg 20171229_233600.jpg 20171229_233543.jpg 20171229_233520.jpg 20171229_233513.jpg There in day 28 in flower tonight. Ive done my best starting a ipm at week 1 of veg, as i noticed cycleman, or russet mites.
Ive area sprayed. With bleach. Alchol, avid, forbid, eiensteien oil, go gnats, azamax, ,asprin, protekt, method one, with added coco wet, all treatment where sprayed at least 7 times with the avid and forbid being 3-5 max. Ive sprayed in alternations as well. I stopped my ipm at around day 21.... as i read anything sprayed on flowers past week 3 can really alter taste. Is spinosad safe? At this late in the stage, i read the bacteria detorieates under light, so its safe to to use up to 3 days b4 harvest. I just would like anyone with experience plz...
Im shooting for spinosad, or nematodes, grasshopers, or those ambercolis preadtor spider mites, my grow is in my room where i zzzZZzzz.... id rathet not have preador spider mites near me, these fukkers look nasty, and im dreading spider mites let alone adding more mites, given there predator mites, id just rather not with those varities of mite eaters.....
Im going to verify under scope again, but just by the curling leafes and new appearing bite marks or possible nutrient defficency (highly doubt).
More pics 20171229_233359.jpg


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Hot shots pest str thanks for your input of the home depot.ip work amazing, I just take em our end of flower

I read that these do work. These are ok for mid flower?
Does it affect the taste thanks for your input thanks for your input of the home depot
I read that these do work. These are ok for mid flower?
Does it affect the taste thanks for your input thanks for your input of the home depot
I’ve been using them for years and no taste at all, I usually take them out intermittently for a week or two and have them out last two weeks if flower
If you are successful in getting rid of your spidermites and make it to the end of harvest, congrats. You grew some really good toxic waste. Throw that shit the fuck in the trash. Have you tried cyanide? That shit will kill anything.
I know list of poison,not just once!!!!:spew:
If you are successful in getting rid of your spidermites and make it to the end of harvest, congrats. You grew some really good toxic waste. Throw that shit the fuck in the trash. Have you tried cyanide? That shit will kill anything.

I mean if i listend to every jamoke on the internet id be questioning what direction to go my plants would eventually die. Being im pushing forward and not just trashing it because it wasent hit with all organic products,and ive spent 3 k to get where im at, i dont have the luxury to tell my boss,4 months of work down the drain, ill strive to work something out..... and im sorry if its not up to your up most standards. I understand your logic reguarding toxcisity, but op stated more of a ? Reguarding if anyone has a trick up there sleeve beside the info i already know. Rather than just tell me to trash this.

Ill be opting with spinosad from here on.

I will get test on these herbs, and post results wether or not spraying avid/forbid guarantees the end product to be unacceptable/fail for dispenserys.
I did spray forbid under leafes upon 1st day of flip from veg. So id really like too see myshelf if the levels are way over.

Tbh id really like to print results and if there in my favor, ill make sure to blast organic junkies such as yourshelf who so ademently respond to typical threads with such liberal words such as im growing toxic waste as you say.
Im all for constructive criticism, but im not ganna just take that shit.
If the test come back bad ill never touch the stuff again, and have to submit to your absolute thinking reguarding the organic method.

Keep this thread bookmarked gents. Im a living example.

I just foliared heavy! With method 1 pps, will not opt with spinosad, will spray a couple times a week untill end of week 6, will update if i change regimine, will post pic in am to see if stress or trich developent is mukked.
I opposed to spraying buds, but id rather spray then let them do there damage.
Love it. Im such a snob for not wanting my herb sprayed with toxins. You can fix spider mites, you can fix unhealthy plants, but you cant fix........

Your such a snob because this is my herb, not yours. Whatever floats your jimmy jeans on how you do your stuff. But theres many ways to skin a cat, to just say its trash, or the other goob gob thumper60 vomiting, i could care less, the results will speak for itshelf.20171231_085334.jpg 20171231_085327.jpg 20171231_085316.jpg 20171231_085311.jpg 20171231_084857.jpg
That plant looks sad. It has experienced a lot of trauma, from both you and the pests, and it doesn't surprise me that the buds are so tiny, the leaves look like hell, your plant doesn't even care to put effort into making decent buds because its life is completely miserable. I agree with the advice that you should trash that thing, sanitize your grow area, and start over. The fact that other people besides yourself are going to be smoking this bud is scary, if I bought weed from you and saw how it was grown, I would be a little pissed off to say the least. Keep this for yourself if you harvest it, if it even makes it to harvest and especially if it even yields anything worth your while...which it won't.
"and ive spent 3 k to get where im at, i dont have the luxury to tell my boss,4 months of work down the drain"
This is the first problem.
The second problem would be that you actually do not seem to even care if you produce toxic cannabis or not.
The key to spider mites is prevention.
The key to growing top notch medicinal cannabis is not only doing it to make money but because you actually enjoy doing it and care.
They may have left something to be desired on pointing it out to you in previous posts, but it really ISN"T cool to be producing toxic weed just to turn a buck.
Douse it with Captain Jack's.


It's totally natural and leaves no trace after 5 days.

Edit to add: Make SURE you get up under the leafs as well. That's where they hide when it rains, water hits, etc.
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