
Active Member
Just as i watered my baby. I noticed small webs and little black dots moving on the leafs. The bottom leafs have small white dots on them.

I could really use your help as where i live i cannot get a hold of any pesticide and insecticide. Is there anything i could make home to get rid of these little bastards?

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
buy some insectecide on the internet you dont want to play around with home remedies when it comes to mites kill tham all and kill them fast of they will destroy your crop


Well-Known Member
are you in or outdoors
they hate to be srayed with water
you can kill them manually
lady bugs
they are little basters they like to hide on the underside of leaves
use all those idea you have to stay on them
go to rona and get neem oil
mix dish soap with your spray water .not sure of ratio


Well-Known Member
Dont make a home remedy bro trust me,Go get floramite {$2o}at your local hydro shop.1/4 tsp per gallon in spraybottle and drench the entire plant.If you want to follow up use botanigardwp22.Spray your room with food grade h2o2 to disinfect.
This combo will beat any other snake oil people tell you to make.
Someone on rui told me to use white vinigar and dishsoap to kill mites,fukin burnt the crap outta the leaves.Floramite works.Just sprayed it on shit with hella mites and dont see a single living one.Dont fuck around go get floramite,or these mites will ruin your pot.Good luck Hbr


Well-Known Member
Dont make a home remedy bro trust me,Go get floramite {$2o}at your local hydro shop.1/4 tsp per gallon in spraybottle and drench the entire plant.If you want to follow up use botanigardwp22.Spray your room with food grade h2o2 to disinfect.
This combo will beat any other snake oil people tell you to make.
Someone on rui told me to use white vinigar and dishsoap to kill mites,fukin burnt the crap outta the leaves.Floramite works.Just sprayed it on shit with hella mites and dont see a single living one.Dont fuck around go get floramite,or these mites will ruin your pot.Good luck Hbr
he is right too
but lady bugs works as well lots of ladybugs ..
i read somebody telling somebody to spray proxcid on plant to kill powdery mildew


Active Member
Thanks for all your feedback.
Yesterday i made this homemade listerine-baking soda, tobacco solution, distilled to about 25% of it in the water. I misted the plants and burned the fk outta them, but most spidermites just fell down.
So i got a little worried so i bought special eco friendly mitecide specially for spidermites, i just sprayed the plants with some of that and put them into the washroom with the shower on to get moisture, i believe this slowed down the burning of the leafs. There are still a few mites on the leafs but they dont seem to move, maybe they died. Either way, im doing the same treatement to them tomorow to make sure all these little bastards DIE!:twisted:

I sprayed the room with a antibacterial solution and its looking beautiful


Well-Known Member
I bought 2 buckets o lady bugs and they all flew into the light and commited suicide,so i put the remainder outside and now have a ladybug farm?! I heard you can spray sprite on the ladybugs to prevent flying,but that seemed cruel.

What stage of the cycle are you ,veg,flower 1 week 2 weeks?


Well-Known Member
floramite best $2o bux u will ever spend,these will only get harder to controll.

You need to go rambo now,then spray 1o% h2o2 all over the rest of yer room,dont hit plants.

good luck,rambo.Hbr