Spider mites in week 7 flower. Helllpppp!


Active Member
I inspected the back corner of my tent today and found a spider mites infestation. No webs yet from what I can see, but they are definitely everywhere in one corner. Is there anything I can do this late in flower?

Is the bud trash since the mites are on there?


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I dealt with spider mites for an entire year. This late in flower the damage has been done. Moving forward I would diligently inspect each plant from bottom to top and defoliate any leaves that have visible mites to combat a bigger population spread. Do this once a week until harvest. When you hang your plants after harvest to dry you’ll see the remaining mites climb towards the base (which is now the top). Beyond harvest is where it’s more critical to prevent a perpetual infestation. Whatever your next set of plants are you’re going to want to spray them 1-2 a week at lights out to deter any potential mite’s lingering. No matter how through you clean after harvest… the likely hood of residual mites is high and you have to treat it as such. I have become very comfortable and knowledge about IPM thanks to a long hard battle I finally won. Look into a product called PureCrop1. You can spray up until harvest. But more importantly after harvest and moving forward. It’s a really great product that breaks down oils to a nano particle making it effective and safe for buds, people, pets etc. good luck. If you have more question message me.
I dealt with spider mites for an entire year.
I would try predatory mites-I think the site is Nature's Good Guys, you need to buy some tiny mercs to do the killing for you! You don't want ladybugs flying around your house dude. If you feel you need to spray, try citric acid first, it's one of the safer things you can use.
Week 7 of flower. Predatory mites are a waste of money and time. Have you guys serious dealt with mites in late flower? I have. I’ve harvest multiple times with an ongoing spider mite problem that I kept at bay but didn’t get rid of until a year later after trial and error with ipm products and diligence.
I dealt with spider mites for an entire year.

Week 7 of flower. Predatory mites are a waste of money and time. Have you guys serious dealt with mites in late flower? I have. I’ve harvest multiple times with an ongoing issues that I kept at bay but didn’t get rid of until a year later after trail and error with ipm products and diligence.

Thanks for the help, couple addtl questions.

If I wait a bit between these and my next plants can I wait for them to die off since they won't have any food once my plants are gone? How long do they live start/finish?

Will the mites effect or eat the bud? Do I need to do anything differently to harvest/cure them?
I’m not entirely sure the lifespan of spider mites after no plants are in sight. I do know they can linger and no matter how good you think you got them it’s really critical moving forward you adopt a ipm product(s) and rotate it weekly for insurance. I used to spend hours(still do) bleach wiping, tearing down lights, fans, wiping down every nook and cranny multiple times determined to not see mites on my next run only to find them. Partially because I kept things perpetual. I take cuts and continue clones in a veg area for the next run.
Without seeing how wide and heavy your infestation is I would assume there is a quality of the buds taken away. The flower I grow now mite free has way stronger terps, taste, and density. Your harvest will be fine. If you took a scope to your buds later you may find mite carcasses. I was smoking mite damage for awhile lol! At least it’s not PM. And even outdoor has some degree of pests damage. The mites are only after the chlorophyll in the leaves. Harvest/Cure as usual. I didn’t conqueror mites until I started using PureCrop1 and a Dr.Bronner(peppermint) ipm spray and rotate them every 4 days for a few weeks. I would wait until 30minutes before lights out and have to pull each plants and spray each one bottom to top on both sides of the leaves etc. and not skip a spray. I did this for 3 weeks straight. I ended up going into flower with no mites and haven’t seen them since. It’s been almost a year since. Now I spray once a week up until week 3 of flower then let it ride with no pests.
I’m not entirely sure the lifespan of spider mites after no plants are in sight. I do know they can linger and no matter how good you think you got them it’s really critical moving forward you adopt a ipm product(s) and rotate it weekly for insurance. I used to spend hours(still do) bleach wiping, tearing down lights, fans, wiping down every nook and cranny multiple times determined to not see mites on my next run only to find them. Partially because I kept things perpetual. I take cuts and continue clones in a veg area for the next run.
Without seeing how wide and heavy your infestation is I would assume there is a quality of the buds taken away. The flower I grow now mite free has way stronger terps, taste, and density. Your harvest will be fine. If you took a scope to your buds later you may find mite carcasses. I was smoking mite damage for awhile lol! At least it’s not PM. And even outdoor has some degree of pests damage. The mites are only after the chlorophyll in the leaves. Harvest/Cure as usual.

Thanks. And you said purecrop 1 is safe to use until harvest? I'll have to see if I can track some of that down.
Yes you can use it until harvest. Personally I wouldn’t want to spray anything on my buds at Week 7. I would work in selectively defoliating as you go what’s infested until harvest. You’re almost there. Another great product is Dr.Zymes. Like @Rurumo mentioned Citric acid (which is what’s in Dr.Zymes) is effective until harvest. I rather spray Citric acid over purecrop this late in flower only because purecrop is an oil. But above that I rather not spray anything and defoliate and keep the population down since you are so close to harvest
Citric acid

Yes you can use it until harvest. Personally I wouldn’t want to spray anything on my buds at Week 7. I would work in selectively defoliating as you go what’s infested until harvest. You’re almost there. Another great product is Dr.Zymes. Like @Rurumo mentioned Citric acid (which is what’s in Dr.Zymes) is effective until harvest. I rather spray Citric acid over purecrop this late in flower only because purecrop is an oil. But above that I rather not spray anything and defoliate and keep the population down since you are so close to harvest

Thanks. I actually have some Dr zymes from earlier in the grow when I had this issue. I will likely spray the Under side of my scrog tonight then do a big defoliation tomorrow. My local hydro shop also recommended using a small keyboard vac to go over the buds/leaves so I have one of those on the way as well.
Where/how do I get those? Is there a place online that would be fast?
I would go to our local grow shop, if you have a Osh near you they have them too. They will eat them in a few days but they won't fix the problem. After harvest do a deep cleaning with bleach and start a regular ipm routine. I dealt with them before it's not the end of the world type of problem.

Ps bud looks fire
Edit to add please don't spray anything this late in flower!
Lady bugs aren’t going to do anything this late in the game. And moving beyond his harvest.
I have to disagree with this ladybugs will find any adult mites and eat them as they find them. I do agree that it's not a preventative measure. Regular spraying with fix that.
I inspected the back corner of my tent today and found a spider mites infestation. No webs yet from what I can see, but they are definitely everywhere in one corner. Is there anything I can do this late in flower?

Is the bud trash since the mites are on there?

dilute 70% rubbing alcohol. Wait an hour or 2. Spray only when the light is off. Terps will be fine. Don't touch buds, only infected leaves