Spider mites and week six flowering, please help!!!


So I have two plants that have had a problem with spider mites for since right before I started to 12 12 cycle. I sprayed them with neem oil a number of times and removed any and all leaves with visible signs of the mites. As you can imagine I did not completely get rid of them and i still see them, mostly on larger fan leaves. one or two little black spots and some eggs with slight yellow spots on the tops.

My question is what should I do with the buds. I would hate to have to lose this crop but i have never had a problem with mites and was wondering if i will continue to even after i dried and cured these buds early. please help, i see no sign of the mites on the buds right now but clearly they could use a few more weeks and i am reluctant to spraying the plants this late in flowering.



Well-Known Member
I would just go get some lady bugs. lots of lady bugs ! or you can just use a spray that is 100% natural and can be sprayed on the flowers directly. its a common problem even the best growers get them from time to time


Well-Known Member
mighty wash

all u need, i keep a gallon on hand. just in case them little bastards pop up, and they do...they are the cockroach of the grow room.


Well-Known Member
can't really tell by the pics. but from what i can tell, i've had worse and it hasn't ruined the plant.

as long as you don't have a mite party going on, the mites don't really stick around after their host is dead.

and if you do get a really advanced case of mites with webbing on the buds, you can actually wash the buds lightly with water to remove all the mites and webs. although THC is hydrophobic, you will decrease the quality of the harvested crop, but at least you'll have something.

at 6 weeks in, i would stick to defoliating bad leaves rather than spraying anymore, and rinsing at harvest if it gets that bad. the tough part is that it pays to keep things warmer and drier as the buds get denser near harvest, although warm and dry is a dreamscape for mites who wish to make baby mites.


Well-Known Member
jus curious UB, have u tried mighty wash, from npk industries? seriously, one heavy application of it is gonna probly eradicate them. u may want to do it again in 3 days, but i havent had to. its completely non toxic. u can spray it and harvest the next day if u wish. It is the only thing i have had great luck with. Neem sucks, and i wont ever put one of my girls thru that kind of abuse again.. u guys know what i mean.

I know a lot of people have some sort of issue with spraying ur shit down anywheres near harvest, and i understand. i wouldnt use anything remotely toxic on my plants at anytime.
I used Neem, I didnt like it, didnt seem powerful enough, so I used crushed HOT Peppers soaked in water,
Then sprayed all my bottom leaves, It burned their asses up! also try a thin layer of sand on the top of the soil.
Keep the Vinagar/BakingSoda(the homemade H2O method) out of your garden, Vinagar attracts spidermites.
Heres useful thread I found on here https://www.rollitup.org/bugs/475307-how-kill-spider-mites-100-a.html Check that out man, Hope its helpful.
