Spider Mites And Miner Worms


Active Member
HELP Please.

Got spider mites and leaf miner worms in the room and know I've got to clean it all out, sterilize everything and start again. Here's where things are at and what I plan to do. I'd appreciate any feedback/suggestions.

I've got some close to harvest. Plan is to flush for next 10 days or so to get rid of the ferts and then harvest. In the meantime, do I bother spraying the outside with soap & water solution a couple of times to keep them from spreading while they flush (buddy suggested this)?

Also have some little ones. Gonna treat them with commercial stuff and remove them from the room for a day while I clean and sterilize after this harvest. Then, I'm gonna return little ones to sterile room in new dirt/pots.

Does this plan sound reasonable? Can anyone recommend a good commercial pesticide for the little ones?



Active Member
I just found an infestation of the damn spider mites. a first for me, usually its those damn flying knat buggers. Am researching Pyola for killing them. Its supposeably good for vegetable pests and eatable the next day after spraying. Neem is good to stop reproduction of pests but not killing. Anyone have opinion on Pyola as a safe pesticide? anyone....anyone...lol.