Spider mite treatment and prevention?


This year, my roommate and I have been growing outdoors behind our apartment. My plants have been growing beautifully, while his have had a slew of problems, to say the least. Less than a week ago, a friend was visiting and while checking out the plants, he discovered spider mites on a couple of my roommates plants. It’s hard to tell where they came from, but I suspect that the mites have been on his plants all along and have simply flown under the radar.

Regardless, the presence of mites on his plants is concerning to me. Everyone that I’ve talked to has said it’s only a matter of time before they move to my plants. Our gardens are currently spaced about 30’ apart but we are unable to create more separation due to lack of space. I have been very careful to avoid handling his plants and sharing equipment. As far as treatment is concerned, my roommate has been spraying his plants with Captain Jack’s Deadbug and he plans to release some predator mites within the next few days. Based on what I’ve heard/read I’m not confident that he will be able to eradicate the spider mites, despite his efforts.

My question is: short of relocating my girls, is there anything else that I can do to prevent the mites from moving to my plants? Relocation is possible for me, however, I believe it would be risky due to the size of my plants (closing in on 5’ and beginning to flower). Your advice would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. New to the forum so please let me know if there’s a better location for me to post this thread.
Spider mites can be a pain but easily manageable if you have the time. I’d suggest using Safers insecticidal soap. Mix a litre solution at a time and soak your girls in the early morning and late evening when they are most active. Make sure to spray the underside of fan leaves as this is where they hide and lay eggs. Spray your stalk and lightly mist the soil your plant is growing in incase they have invaded the medium as well. Get your friend to do this everyday for at least a week it wouldn’t hurt for you to apply the same. Good luck!