Spider Might Question....

:oI have done lots of looking around about this earlier I was looking for a way to prevent sagging limbs in heavy rain (mission accomplished) however in the proses I discovered a few crawling critters on my girl I have verified their identity as spider mights did the research and am leaning towards the liquid soap and water any advice before I do anything about this problem....I am about four weeks into flower now does that affect treatment of these little fuckers? what ever you guys /girls can tell me will certainly be appreciated...
u can still spray them i would stop when they turn into nugs i would spray them with neem oil though it kills the mites and their eggs soap just kills the mites that are already alive


dam i dnt no what to do now they look really healthy an green but sum holes thru sum ov the leaves wont doing anythink to them reiun the bud?


Well-Known Member
Be sure it's spider mites. They cause webs and tiny white spots on the affected leaves. Hosing off the plants with a strong stream of water would help, but some sort of soap, neem oil or other pesticide will be needed to eradicate them.


Be sure it's spider mites. They cause webs and tiny white spots on the affected leaves. Hosing off the plants with a strong stream of water would help, but some sort of soap, neem oil or other pesticide will be needed to eradicate them.

oh rite where do i get neem oil frm? an water wont it reiun the bud im in wk 5 buddin an the buds are coverd in thc water n tht will wash it off

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Good luck getting rid of those little bastards they are bad little things
Doktor doom spider mite knokout works good


Active Member
Organic soap mixed with water, or just go get a bottle at wal-mart or something. You need to get on this shit right away!
use Azitrol, it can be gotten at grow shops or online, and it is a super concentrated version of neem oil. Spider mites have become immune to most organic solutions around here except azitrol it seems. I have completely beaten bad infestations with it, but it takes dilligance. I would apply in every 3 then 4 day cycles, like every Thurs. and Sun. for example. Be sure to add 1-3 drops of Dr. brenners pepermint castile soap per qt. for leaf adheision, and spray under and on top of every leaf every time. They say azitrol or neem can be used up untill 3 days before harvest, but if i are dilligent now, you won't have to, if you aren't, you will smoke bugs..... I would however keep spraying in that rotation for at least 30 days after u see the last signs of them, i.e. white dots on new leaf growth with lil black or red moving dots on the back of those leaves, leaves that are "stripling" with yellow from outside edges inward, or any webbing at all anywhere. p.s. I have been mite free now for over 2 years, and only use azitrol now as a preventative / foiler feed.