I am a fan of my spiderfarmer gear,but I cannot attest to the slide of the lights. That said, read the actual warranties of both companies and check the fine print. I saw some explanation of SF's warranty and it's kind of a bummer. Once again, I'm super happy so far and anticipate no issues out of my gear. But then again, we never do, do we? Lolspider farmer claims there se 7000 will last 100000 hours is this bullshit? the mars hydro fc6500 has the same wattage the same diodes and the same number of diodes but mars hydro says there lights last 50000 hours. whats the deal is spider farmer lying or what?
spider farmer claims there se 7000 will last 100000 hours is this bullshit? the mars hydro fc6500 has the same wattage the same diodes and the same number of diodes but mars hydro says there lights last 50000 hours. whats the deal is spider farmer lying or what?
I agree with @Budzbuddha, push em harder, they'll crap out quicker.
Take speakers, for instance. You have max watts, and nominal watts. Try keeping them at max at all times, see how long they last, before they take a shit.
Distortion kills. LolAs an audiophile I had to reply for this....sry
RMS is the continual power that measures average wattage driven without distortion whereas max watts tell momentarily wattage driven without distortion when given maximum current. Too low current always distorts at lower consumption ofc.
Don't even get me started on damping factors, jitter and other nonsense lol
So to put a led panel for that consumption equals almost 300% the normal input which is impossible.
Totally different kind of tech to compare but I digress...
I usually put my lights 85% tops, they're most efficient at about there
My car would last longer than my license.how 'bout, drive your car pedal to the metal at all times.... see how long it lasts? Lol