

Active Member

second time growers here,

just need some help with plant.

its under a 450watt light in coco fiber, everything has be sterilized, and it has been watered about every 2-3rd day and watered with distilled water with neutriants.

No bugs seem visable, but my guess it could possibly be spidermite?
its only happened so far on the bottom leaves of the plant.

any help would be great.


sorry for quality, dropped my camera and it got damaged.



Well-Known Member
don't see spidermite symptoms, but looks more like an overwatering/nute difficiency, whats your ph at cause it could be caused by ph, and what nutes are you using?


Active Member
don't see spidermite symptoms, but looks more like an overwatering/nute difficiency, whats your ph at cause it could be caused by ph, and what nutes are you using?

PH is 6 to 6.5 when watered

we are using cornucopia coco grow with coco conditioner purchased from grow shop ( green label for foliage growth)



Well-Known Member
would you call that a hydro grow or just a soiless? if your running it like a hydro you might need to dip your ph a bit further down to 5.8, but if you check the second link in my signature there's a good nute problem chart that has helped me out tons of times.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like mites. Besides on the underside of leaves, mites tend to congregate and web in the junctions where the leave stems attach to the main stalk and generally come from the bottom up.