Spectre Phaser X660 Pro


Active Member
I would love to hear people’s experience and opinions of the Spectre Phaser X660 Pro. I’m building a room that will hold 3 4x12 trays. I’m considering 9 X660 pros
I would love to hear people’s experience and opinions of the Spectre Phaser X660 Pro. I’m building a room that will hold 3 4x12 trays. I’m considering 9 X660 pros

It looks like this company was started in 2018 by the owner of The Hydro Source (corporate office in El Monte, California with warehouse and retail store in Covina). Spectre LED has said via Instagram that their lights are made in Vietnam.

This is from the linked webpage:

"Phaser X660 Pro is designed for commercial horticulture. Using the highest quality diodes on the market along with the #1 driver on the market, the Phaser X660 Pro out competes any other LED manufacturers."

That's a bold statement there at the end. Which diodes and which driver are being used? It just says Samsung and Osram diodes on the Spectre LED website. The white diodes are LM561C (again this is according to Spectre LED on IG), but the site doesn't say so. And if they're using the "#1 driver on the market," why can't they be bothered to list which model?

Have you looked into whether you can dim the light as is, or do you need to buy the $200 controller sold on their website to do that?

The website claims that the light has a PPE of 2.4 μmol/Joule. If the PPF of 1,535 μmol/second and the wall draw of 660 watts are accurate, the overall efficacy of the light would be 2.33 μmol/Joule.

Here's a light source test done by the Everfine Corporation that is on the webpage and also in the spec sheet:
According to the test, the light has a CCT of 3711K and a CRI of 93.7. The light was only running at 95.3 watts. Did they test only a single bar? There is also no mention of PPE or PPF figures here. Only luminous efficacy, and the figures given are terribly inefficacious. 5,934 lumens and just over 62 lumens per watt, which is CFL territory. If they're using the LEDs they claim to be using, the luminous efficacy should be much higher than that.

The price may seem right at the moment, but I would keep searching. Have you looked at any other lights?
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It looks like this company was started in 2018 by the owner of The Hydro Source (corporate office in El Monte, California with warehouse and retail store in Covina). Spectre LED has said via Instagram that their lights are made in Vietnam.

This is from the linked webpage:

"Phaser X660 Pro is designed for commercial horticulture. Using the highest quality diodes on the market along with the #1 driver on the market, the Phaser X660 Pro out competes any other LED manufacturers."

That's a bold statement there at the end. Which diodes and which driver are being used? It just says Samsung and Osram diodes on the Spectre LED website. The white diodes are LM561C (again this is according to Spectre LED on IG), but the site doesn't say so. And if they're using the "#1 driver on the market," why can't they be bothered to list which model?

Have you looked into whether you can dim the light as is, or do you need to buy the $200 controller sold on their website to do that?

The website claims that the light has a PPE of 2.4 μmol/Joule. If the PPF of 1,535 μmol/second and the wall draw of 660 watts are accurate, the overall efficacy of the light would be 2.33 μmol/Joule.

Here's a light source test done by the Everfine Corporation that is on the webpage and also in the spec sheet:
View attachment 4723934
According to the test, the light has a CCT of 3711K and a CRI of 93.7. The light was only running at 95.3 watts. Did they test only a single bar? There is also no mention of PPE or PPF figures here. Only luminous efficacy, and the figures given are terribly inefficacious. 5,934 lumens and just over 62 lumens per watt, which is CFL territory. If they're using the LEDs they claim to be using, the luminous efficacy should be much higher than that.

The price may seem right at the moment, but I would keep searching. Have you looked at any other lights?

Hi there,

Thanks for your detailed response. I currently have a Fluence Spyder 2i and I've been looking to expand from my 4x4 into a 10x10. I have a few friends that bought these lights this week for $650 (one bought 12 of them and two other bough 2 a piece) and I was thinking, "I could save some seriouse cash just on 4 lights." For 4 lights plus controller from Spectre the price is $2800 and 4 lights plus a controller form Fluence is $6100. I'd love to save the money but I am worried about a too good to be true scenerio here. At this point I am thinking I'll let me buddies be the guinea pigs and if they have good results I'll hope they go back on sale.

Bottom line is this brand hasn't given me enough confinendce even with their great price tag to convince me right now to give them a shot.
Thanks again for potential saving me from a big headache!!
Hi there,

Thanks for your detailed response. I currently have a Fluence Spyder 2i and I've been looking to expand from my 4x4 into a 10x10. I have a few friends that bought these lights this week for $650 (one bought 12 of them and two other bough 2 a piece) and I was thinking, "I could save some seriouse cash just on 4 lights." For 4 lights plus controller from Spectre the price is $2800 and 4 lights plus a controller form Fluence is $6100. I'd love to save the money but I am worried about a too good to be true scenerio here. At this point I am thinking I'll let me buddies be the guinea pigs and if they have good results I'll hope they go back on sale.

Bottom line is this brand hasn't given me enough confinendce even with their great price tag to convince me right now to give them a shot.
Thanks again for potential saving me from a big headache!!
How do your friends like the spectre phasers ?