Space qeen preflowers

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Ive got four strains of subs gear vegging and Ive got some male preflowers.They are at day 31 of veg and looking great.32 plants in all and it looks like Ive got a lot of females.Check out my pics and see if those are male preflowers,they have small tiny balls at the internodes.You may not be able to tell by my pics.The last two pics are different phenos of space bomb,both have female preflowers.Anybody growing chernoble,you might want to grow it seperate ,its oustreatching JTR,SB,SQ no matter how much I keep topping..All these strains are vigerous as hell.As soon as they all show sex Ill transplant them into 3 gallon buckets. ........Thanks and Peace


Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Check this SQ male at day 31,it definatly has male preflowers.Im going to flower three or four males in a small bedroom closet.Ive got six of the short stout SB plants,three are as big as JTR.It looks like 8 out of ten are females with all the short phenos being ladies,My chernobyl has more males than females but Im cloning ever pheno till I find my keepers. ..............Peace

