Space Buckets, 130w CFL + 6x3w LED. SpaceJill, LSD and Gigabud!



I'm starting my fourth grow using Space Buckets, they're stacked 5gal buckets with CFL and LED.

I built them about a year ago and made a website with a DIY guide to spread the design (hope its ok to link there!). The buckets look like this:

I'm growing SpaceJill, LSD and Gigabud this time, I'll update frequently with their progress! Here is the LSD:

Check out this album:, you can see my Cluster Bomb grown from seed to harvest.

Cheers! I'm pretty new to the forum, been lurking for a while.


Active Member
whoah dude! crazy contraption you have there, I'm totally going to mess around with on of those this weekend. Been growing for a while now and I'm just recently getting into the micro grows. thanks for the link and I'll be subbed for this grow.


New Member
So I have been thinking about doing the spacebucket approach for my first grow.

I have a couple concerns maybe you can address:
1. Heat- Im a little nervous about having all of the lights, fans, and wiring all so close together. Im a little worried that its a safety concern as well as a constant battle to keep things cool enough.
2. Yield- for my first grow i am not looking to se a record- but I don't want to spend $100+ building one and the few months growing it for a very small yield. The cost/yield ratio has to be in the favor of yield.


whoah dude! crazy contraption you have there, I'm totally going to mess around with on of those this weekend. Been growing for a while now and I'm just recently getting into the micro grows. thanks for the link and I'll be subbed for this grow.

Glad you like it! I'll be updating frequently

So I have been thinking about doing the spacebucket approach for my first grow.

I have a couple concerns maybe you can address:
1. Heat- Im a little nervous about having all of the lights, fans, and wiring all so close together. Im a little worried that its a safety concern as well as a constant battle to keep things cool enough.
2. Yield- for my first grow i am not looking to se a record- but I don't want to spend $100+ building one and the few months growing it for a very small yield. The cost/yield ratio has to be in the favor of yield.
Howdy man!

1. Temps are not a problem if you extract the heat from the bulbs. I use two 8x8 PC fans (one exhaust and one intake), and that keeps my buckets at about 27-28°C. I've been growing plants from seed inside buckets for over a year now, and its really a solid system. Safety concerns are a good thing, as with all microgrows that depends on the quality of your build. I solder all my wires and do maintenance every time I start a new cycle.

2. Yield is a variable thing that depends on the genetics of the plant, the lighting configuration inside your bucket, and also your experience as a grower. I've been pulling about 20 grams consistently from my plants, and other users have harvested an once or more of solid bud. You should check out the community over at the website, there are a lot of bucket growers there :).


New Member
Yeah I have been browsing your site and the r/spacebuckets page for months now. Probably the main issue I have is just the safety concern of having water, wires, heat, etc. so close to each other.

Not knocking the idea, don't get me wrong, as I am trying to sort out options myself for my first grow.


Good luck man! I think safety concerns are good thing, grow with caution and a bit of electrical knowledge.

I finally installed my LEDs today, they're 3x3w spotlights. Thats 27w of side lighting, plus the top with about 140w of CFL.

Here is how it looks:



Here is a new update: About two weeks since sprout!

Hope you like the plants. They're vegging in a Space Bucket with 140w CFL and 27w LED, I'll move them soon to their separate buckets.

White stuff is Diatomaceous Earth, training starts soon. I'll top the SpaceJill and LST the Gigabud and LSD. Supercropping is in order too.


Active Member
Here is a new update: About two weeks since sprout!

Hope you like the plants. They're vegging in a Space Bucket with 140w CFL and 27w LED, I'll move them soon to their separate buckets.

White stuff is Diatomaceous Earth, training starts soon. I'll top the SpaceJill and LST the Gigabud and LSD. Supercropping is in order too.
Nice looking plants!

I came across your space buckets website and you gave me the info and motivation to build my own! Haven't had a harvest or close to it yet, but I am
definitely saying Kudos for the bucket idea. I'm setting up a journal now for Master Kush and I will be keeping an eye on your progress!!


Well-Known Member
This space bucket idea looks awesome and super compact! Is this a type of auto watering system? Any link to more info on how to build these?


Here is another update on my bucket plants! I've just flipped them, so its the first days of flowering.

Hope you guys can check out the album!

This is the LSD, I added a 27w LED spacer to raise the CFL bulbs.



Active Member
Very nice looking plant! Can I ask how long your LSD seed took to germinated? I ordered one seed and it's going on its fifth day of moist paper towels etc and hasn't popped. Kinda pissed I spent $12 on a seed that may not pop!!


Well-Known Member
Where did you get it from? Contact the company and they will probably hook you up. You just have 1 seed?