South East Mass


Well-Known Member
I visited a Hydroponics and Gardening supply store in Braintree yesterday. The name of the place was
Gardin - Soil & Hydroponics
On Bay State Street hidden in a commercial warehouse area. Fun shop isles of stuff to browse good base prices cheaper than LI. My hydo store charges 27 for a bag of Coast of Maine soil, Hicks and upscale nursery charges 16 and Gardin charges 15.
The store is not sterile there are remenats of pwill be back thereast projects which are great for stimulating more ideas.
They had items I had not seen, Shrimp meal for one. The price on Oyster shells was lower than what I get from the chicken supplier.
I will be back to this store.

I do like my garden to smell like Jake's or the bay at low tide and the addition of all the seafood shells does just that
Well they were out of Coast Of Maine products at Hicks, didn't want to pay overly high prices at the hydro store.
So it was road trip time.
Great store very reasonable prices nice friendly staff.

Shameless pitch for Jake's Seafood in Hull Mass. If you enjoy seafood and have not eaten at Jake's you don't know what you are missing.
I brought my trainee on the trip, he got a history lesson about Hull and Boston outer Harbor. We had two feeding there and brought a pile back.
Really makes the 4 hour trip not so bad.
So they close for the season on November 17 and there is nothing to do in Hull till April 1 when they open again.