south american jail for 16 months. Supreme court win


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!

well, to fill everyone in on whats been going on in my life....
2 dec 22, i was raided, supposedly for stealing a motorcycle. The police fabricated a rediculous story to justify the raid, and really, they came into my property, asking for 5million bucks. if i didnt pay, i would be charged for the drugs and guns they found. I refused to pay, and i was detained.

The province in argentina where i live had just enacted a new law against drug dealers. turns out it became effective days before the raid., the few people detained before me all accepted plea deals. I however did not, which means my case was elevated to an actual court... and of course, with my luck, i was the first detained to present a defense at court, for the new law. Literally, the outcome of my case was to be "jurisprudence"

after about 13 months of being in several south american jails, i was found guilty of "possesion of drugs with the intention of commercialization" as well as "possesion of war-grade firearms". the judge wrote 14 pages on why i was guilty. Obviously i appealed this court desicion.

at the 16th month of my detention, i had my appeals court. Thankfully we won, and i was cleared of all charges. the Judge recognized the severe discrepancies of the police wrong doing, and declared that the evidence against me was not admissable (theory of the fruitfrom the poisoned tree). the appeals judge wrote 54pages on why ishould be freed immediately and the police officers involved should be investigated.

The prosecution, having suffered a terrible defeat, was told by many to not appeal that desicion. Sadly, they appealed anyways... and the state (province) supreme court accepted to hear the arguments, and have a court session.

30th of july, 2024, We went, gave our arguments, and at the end, we were told they would take 30business days to decide. .....30 dayspassed and the statusof the desicionchanged to "in the process of being finalized"....

we continued to wait... and on the 3rd of october, the 5 supreme court judges finally posted their resolution. the 32 pages were.... like... magic.
unanimous court desicion in my favor, as well as ordering the investigation of 6 police officers 2 prosecutors, and a judge.

since then,2 prosecutors havebeen transfered to other offices, a judge was first on "paid administrative leave" (using up his paid vacation days),and then "suspended while under investigation". he has not ordered a raid since.

and now im jurisprudence. cops cannot look for a stolen motorcycle in a dresser drawer or nightstand, and raids have to be done with non-police witnesses present, to make sure the cops dont steal or plant stuff.. Ive been on the news dozens oftimes, and some say my life is in danger. i dont care. i won. i won in the supreme court.
