Sour Diesel Marijuana

so i'm buying a few grams of a strain called Sour Diesel. anyone know what type of high it is? head, body. cloudy headed, clear headed. up, down. visual, not.? tell me it all :bigjoint:


mostly heady with some body great taste smell and bag appeal.


Well-Known Member
Its good,more of a body high for me.I grew it a couple times awhile back.You wont be dissapointed.But get some plane wreck or train wreck if you can its even better there my new favorite strains.


^^^^^^^^^^^ shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
is it relaxing or racey. like heart racey, paranoid, and shit like that. thats mostly all i rly need to know, i tend to be more of an anxious person.


come on man you wanna honestly look me in the eye and tell me trainwreck is better then sour d??? well heres yous chance here i go......
SOUR DIESELS THE SHIT get it man ! its more of a high i think ....but theres a song that this guy says over and over about it called "Movie" by Chip Tha Ripper
He makes it sound like heaven :bigjoint:

Sr. Verde

Sour Diesel is WHATS UP!

After that gram bag, if it really is sour diesel (youll know) you should get some more... Here that shit is hard to come by, I dont know why nobody grows it


Well-Known Member
i actually really like SourD too. if i remember correctly its more of a sativa, so a head high. it may make you a bit anxious/paranoid, but just take a few deep breaths, remind yourself that you're only feeling that way because of the pot, and try to relax. get your head thinking about something else and the paranoia will go away :)
thanks yo :). when the weed makes you foggy headed/disoriented. where you just like are so out of it, have no idea whats goin on, like you can be watching tv but not know/remember a thing about what your watching, is this feeling associated with an indica or a sativa? know what i meen?


I prefer to describe the high as fucking great. But i'm pretty sure its more Indica. So yeah, head high.
thanks yo . when the weed makes you foggy headed/disoriented. where you just like are so out of it, have no idea whats goin on, like you can be watching tv but not know/remember a thing about what your watching, is this feeling associated with an indica or a sativa? know what i meen?