Sour Bubble 20 Days Budding (Pics)

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Here are a few pics of my sour bubble clones that have now been flowering for 20 days. I have been using Foxfarm products exclusively as directed for soil.:leaf:

Please let me know what you think. Any input is greatly appreciated. More pics to come later on.:leaf:


Mr Bomb

Active Member
looking good for 20 days all i can say.
Do you really think so? Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to respond. There is not a whole lot of people that actually take the time to leave a post. Would you say they are average or above?

Mr Bomb

Active Member
They got lots to fill mayne mine looked like yours before im on 3.5 weeks now. yours should fill out even more then these.
Im only about 8 days from where you say your at in those pics, are you saying you think mine will fill out even more by the time I catch up to where you are? Thats great news but what makes you say so?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Im only about 8 days from where you say your at in those pics, are you saying you think mine will fill out even more by the time I catch up to where you are? Thats great news but what makes you say so?:leaf:
Different strains grow in different ways, some develop late, some are quick starters. My rec would be to look into the grow journals to find someone who is growin something similar, or check the background to the Sour Bubble, but realistically, you should be seeing growth every day, so yeh, in 8 days it should change quite a bit.
What are you feeding them for the flower period?

Lookin very good though, would be nice to see pics when your lights are off.

Happy growin:bigjoint:


Mr Bomb

Active Member
Different strains grow in different ways, some develop late, some are quick starters. My rec would be to look into the grow journals to find someone who is growin something similar, or check the background to the Sour Bubble, but realistically, you should be seeing growth every day, so yeh, in 8 days it should change quite a bit.
What are you feeding them for the flower period?

Lookin very good though, would be nice to see pics when your lights are off.

Happy growin:bigjoint:

Thanks for the advice. I have looked into the background of the strain but had not thought of looking at the grow journals of others posted here. I will do that right away to see if I can see any of their pics.

During the flowering process I have been using Foxfarm products according to their usage schedule. (tiger bloom, big bloom, open sesame and beastie bloomz)

Also, Im a bit curious why would you want to see pics of them while the lights are off? Whats the difference?:leaf:


Active Member
Use lots of bloom in this stage and ull see them fill out lots. I have 5 differnt strains there, yours looking more filled then mine on day 20. Keep the good work up


Well-Known Member
for twenty days into flowering, those look great!
a lot of resin production for so early in flowering!

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Use lots of bloom in this stage and ull see them fill out lots. I have 5 differnt strains there, yours looking more filled then mine on day 20. Keep the good work up
Are you saying that I should use more than the recommended amount.


Active Member
rumours say to get more resin, pinch about 1/4 inch off some of the leaves and this will help with resin


i just love sour bubble and all of b.o.g.'s strains subscribed!

Mr Bomb

Active Member
rumours say to get more resin, pinch about 1/4 inch off some of the leaves and this will help with resin
I appreciate you taking the time to tell me of this method but removing healthy living leaves of any kind goes against everything I know and believe about growing marijuana.