Sorry about this...

So... I know how many professional growers get angry with newbies asking newbie questions, but this section is called "newbie central", so please don't be rude.

My seedling was growing great, but I got sick this past week. My wife watered it a bit while I was gone, just to moist the top soil. I got home from the hospital today and she's looking like this: her stem is all bend up, there's no strectch (maybe lights too close?) and the first fan leaves are yellow. The new growth above that area of yellowness is a beautiful dark green and apart from the fact that it has no stretch at all, it is a very bushy Kush.

I'm new to all this and I would like to know if everything is okay. Saw something about nitrogen deficiency, but my seedling is just 17 days old, don't know if should star feeding her yet.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

still in veg station
400w cfl, 9cm from the top leaves
(can't measure ph right now, mine's broke)
23ºc inside the box.
no nutes, just plain fox farm ocean soil with tap water.



400 actual watts (4 of those cfls made for photography 5500k). Maybe too much, that's why the first set of fan leaces are yellow?

And no, didn't do any LST. Just left for a week and when I came back it was like that.

EDIT: yeah, I have two accounts on RIU, but it's just 'cause I made one on my iPhone, than forgot it, made another when logging in my PC.
Sorry if it is a crime.
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Well-Known Member
Fox farm will give all the nutrients you need for 30 days. Plant looks fine. You didn't put the seed directly in the fox farm did you? Did you scoop a cup from the top and fill with top soil. Because fox farm is too strong for a seed. Also, I'd put a rock or something rigid under that bend in the stem so you can give it some support. A plant will not invest the energy to grow any more than its roots and structure can support.