Something Strange Is Happening!?

I've gotten a couple of ladies in their 4th week of flowering. The temperature is around 25C turning the day, and can go as low as 13C during the night. They are well fed.

I recently found some *Thrips & Spider Mites* On the underside of the leaves, unfortunately the bugs have grown,yet none have resin on them. Well, you really have to rub it for a while or dig into it.

My question is, the spider mites and or thrips have a big part of this?

I do have spinosad can I apply this durning flowering? It is organic.


Well-Known Member
Who ya gonna call?

No, I do not believe spider mites reduce trichs. Sound like they need a lot of flower fert, heavy Phosphorus and potassium. Cha-Ching is some good stuff. Try molasses water right now if you have some, but feed them

Organics should be fine to spray at this poitn, but you have to keep at it for days to get the eggs too.