Something like Pandafilm?


Well-Known Member
I am looking at maybe picking something up from home depot or something seeing as how pandafilm isn't that cheap. Talking about $100 bucks for a roll. There has to be something cheaper that is similiar to this. Any ideas on what else to use to partition off a space?
there is some black plastic at walmart with the paint. its cheap as hell (like 10 bucks for a roll). its thick enough that i cant see my 1000 watter behind it, but its all black. i guess it could be painted tho.
there is some black plastic at walmart with the paint. its cheap as hell (like 10 bucks for a roll). its thick enough that i cant see my 1000 watter behind it, but its all black. i guess it could be painted tho.

No doubt...that's what i'm talking about. Is it at least semi thick?
oh hell yeah it is. its not as thick as panda, but its really close. i used it when i had my 1000 watt light going and couldnt see any light at all on the outside of the room. i wanna say it was 10.00 for a roll of it 20'x40' or something like that. its right by the drop cloths in the paint section.
i'll get some tomorrow. I'm going to build me another room for a 1k reg, or 600 digital. I can't decide.