Something eating my leaves


So I just noticed that some of the leaves on my plants are starting to be eaten but can't identify what it is as I have not actually seen the bugs. I have been regularly check the underside of the leaves. I have been trying the tomato leaf spray but it obviously is not working I just ordered NATRIA Insecticidal soap and will be here tomorrow, does anyone have any other suggestions...I will post pics for anyone who might be able to help.


I had whiteflies cause something that looked like that, and they were a bitch to get rid of. Take care of it before it flowers!


I just started using Natria Insecticidal soap and I been checking everyday for bugs and I have yet to see any been checking underside with magnifying glass too.


Well-Known Member
Flea beatles leave holes kinda like that and hop like fleas when anything disturbs them making them hard to see sometimes. Lots of other little s.o.b.s' too. Try the sticky traps and spinosad.
Good luck friend!

Harper J

Active Member
Sometimes if you are too rough with your plants it can get like that (if you do it to a tiny leaf you really wont notice til it gets bigger, but doesn't look like you've been doing any training to cause you to accidentally rip or tear a leaf, weird. I guess do like @Jeffislovinlife said and throw up some sticky traps to see what pops up.


Well-Known Member
Also, cats... Do you have a cat? Little rat bastard animals that they are... Mine takes a bite, anytime she gets the chance. Well when I'm growing inside anyhow. She's an indoor only kitty. Stilll,,,,, Darn you Kitty! Seriously though watch out for cats they are notorious for munching on cannabis leaves and making people ( me especially) get extremely frustrated!