Someone please help me out with this... Pic Posted

I am new to growing and have asked alot of questions about flowering and sexing. On my plants on the branches at the end of emm and at each additional side branch to that branch, there are lots of ball type things in there and on the main stem where ur suppose to see the pre flowers, there aint nothing yet. I've been in flower for a week n two days and to me it looks lke male balls.. Now everyone says that it shows where the branches connect to the main stem. Now, am I lookin at balls or new growth of the pland, nd how much longer will I see the pre flowers emerging?



Maybe female flowers can't really tell in the pics. I don't see anything that looks male in these pics. I'm just a Noob but my male plants clearly had "sacks" or pods among the nodes.


my babies take two weeks to show its easy to tell when they do two white hairs female they are very easy to see just wait male are easy to big balls hanging both will be at the places you took pics of