Someguys Perpetual Parabolic SCROG Cabinet grow (trying to actually keep a journal)


Well-Known Member
SO! I suck at journal keeping but I am going to give it a real try. RIU has helped me a TON on my journey to becoming a half-way competent grower. This site has supplied me with the know-how and inspiration to supply me and my girl with great weed. It keeps getting better as I dial it in too. :)

Enough BS heres the nitty gritty. Some history pictures of some past grows in the cabinet:

One of the first rounds with the cabinet:




Well-Known Member
Here are some Shots of the first time with a flat screen. This was a Misty mom that was a little sick when going to flower and it lost most of its foliage. Still more successful than previous try's (yield was 2.5oz). This was the first time flowering with Hempy too. :-)

As you can see... not GREAT, but still the buds tasted good and got us ripped, and we didn't pay for it... I start getting back to the quality I was doing in my closet soon.



Well-Known Member
Now we get in to the last round with a flat screen Flourescent scrog with barely rooted misty clones from flower and 220w of t-5 compact:




Well-Known Member
At the same time I was doing the experiment with the flat scrog under flouro, I was also doing my first dished/parabolic SCROG under my 400w hps:

The last 4 pics are from week 4 of flower, Harvest was over a qp but I'm lazy and didn't take pics. I will try to be better about weekly updates this journal :)



Well-Known Member
Finally! My current setup and grow. Right now I have 2 phenos of PPP and one final Misty mom flowering on a flat scrog using 220watts of compact t-5 lighting.

All of my grows are hempy now (except I use 100% perlite). It is such an easy method. Currently these are the products I am using:

Fox Farm Grow Big Hydroponic
Fox Farm Tiger Bloom
Fox Farm Big Bloom --Just ran out...
Super Thrive
Purple Maxx
--I also Use PH adjusters and pens but have not bought a TDS yet, but have been fine without.

SOON!! I will be using BMO (Blue Mountain Organics) Full line of Organic root stimulator and fertilizers.

Anyway, on with the pictures. Here is my veg area, not very big but I make it work. I am using all cool blue spirals at 23 watt x 5 (115w for math challenged)... :) I use LST, and topping to get bonzai bushes going. I also kind of cycle out the flouro flower chamber to a veg chamber when needed. I try to make the space work as best I can...LOL.




Well-Known Member
Here are the pics of the flat scrog. As I said, this becomes a larger veg chamber if need be. I only have to produce enough bud to keep 2 people in constant supply... so I am on no chart or time schedule. :-)




Well-Known Member
Here is the parabolic scrog under the 400w hps. I have 2 phenotypes of PPP in this one. One on each side. In the middle is blue mystic. Pictures are worth a thousand words. BTW the pics are some with the hps and some without it on. It is also raised so the shots are better, it is normally 12" or so from the tops.




Well-Known Member
OK! The above 3 post brings us current so post away!!! :-)

Every thing in flower is at 2weeks of 12/12. The monster bonzai in veg is bagseed, but my bagseed is usually pretty dank :) It is female and showed sex in veg. She will be big by the time flowering comes. I will take clones from the flowering plants very soon, that is what the empty bed of perlite is for in the veg chamber. If you have questions ask away and Ill do my best to answer. I am going to make every effort to update weekly.

Man... that was a lot of work. Im gonna go vape a half a dozen bags.:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmilie:blsmoke::eyesmoke::sleep:


Well-Known Member
Hey SG, nice history mate.
Lookin forward to watching this one, glad you started a journal.
There a bit of work but you should show of your works.
I love the parabolic set up :hump:
Every things looking sweet for 2 weeks in, heaps of bud sites and a full screen ;)
All the best mate, I'm pulling up a chair and settling in bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey SG, nice history mate.
Lookin forward to watching this one, glad you started a journal.
There a bit of work but you should show of your works.
I love the parabolic set up :hump:
Every things looking sweet for 2 weeks in, heaps of bud sites and a full screen ;)
All the best mate, I'm pulling up a chair and settling in bongsmilie
Thanks!! I am REALLY excited about this go around. This should get interesting. The stems are as big as my thumb. :-) Thanks for stopping in, glad to have you aboard.


Well-Known Member
Here is the parabolic scrog under the 400w hps. I have 2 phenotypes of PPP in this one. One on each side. In the middle is blue mystic. Pictures are worth a thousand words. BTW the pics are some with the hps and some without it on. It is also raised so the shots are better, it is normally 12" or so from the tops.

Allow me to bump some pics!

There's gonna be a lot of bud there SG ;)


Well-Known Member
Allow me to bump some pics!

There's gonna be a lot of bud there SG ;)
I Know! Its gonna be awesome. I am not tying them down anymore... or not much. The goal from now on will be to maintain an even canopy and to trim excess under the screen here and there. I want 6zips from the parabolic screen and 4 from the flat one.... LOL! everyone has to have goals right?

I should let motif and a few others know I got my shit together I suppose :)


Well-Known Member

I wanna watch...

I remember you first grow! Inspirational!!!!

Dude, thanks for the link!!!!


I was about to delete my pics... but I will wait until you have a chance to check them out...

Great to have you Back SomeGuy!!!


Welcome! Your pics look awesome. You are growing some dank ass buds. Hopefully I can rally this time around and make a showing. :)


Well-Known Member
Seems like you are well on your way my

Thanks for the compliment...

This perpetual harvest is a far cry from the old Aerogarden


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna go read every thing again real careful and I'll be back with some questions...

Check you later...


Well-Known Member
Sweet looking grows man, I really like your setup. Where did you purchase that white screen you used for the parabolic scrog? It looks like it is a lot easier to use than the poultry netting that I have now. If you got a chance let me know... I'm pulling up a chair for this journal dude :peace: