somebody asked how to use bushmaster


Well-Known Member
i had this and could not find it i hope person is still interested if so this buds for you


correct way to use Bush master,gravity,purpple maxx.


i wrote an email to the guys that make this stuff and they told me that this is the correct way to use their stuff.

this is the actual email i recived

There have been reports that the products can burn under some
conditions. With the BushMaster and Gravity we have found that over the
last 4 years or so, the strains that people are usually growing are now more
sensitive than the strains that were popular 4 years ago. We have recently
changed the dose on BushMaster to 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. If that doesn't
work then perhaps one more dose of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon can be added a
week later. A newer method reported to us is the use of 4 ml. per gallon,
allowing it to sit for about 6 hours and then thoroughly washing it out.
Some of the best results ever obtained have been with this method.
Sometimes, though, it's not the plants or the product but simply that people
are going hog wild with their nutrients. Most of the time, if there's a
problem it's because of over fertilizing. If you think you've been over
doing it, simply water well with just plain water a couple of days before
applying BushMaster and apply it with water only. When used one of the
above ways there should never be a problem with watering.
With Gravity, we now recommend 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for 2-4
consecutive waterings although it almost always works well with 2 doses.
Again, 99% of the time the problem is heavy over-fertilizing during bloom.
With Purple Maxx, it states on the label that it causes a sudden uptake
of nutrients when applied so definitely cut back the nutes. If you are
using it the last 2 weeks, a lot of people hardly use nutes at all, just the
Maxx. If you are using it through out bloom you can easily cut back and use
about 2/3 of the recommended fertilizer dose and the plants will still
We have outdoor growers who run their nutrients at about 500 ppm in a
drip systems with 2 ml. of Purple Maxx per gallon and do it all summer and
get way better results than using heavy fertilizer with out the Maxx.
Light intensity does have something to do with the burning when it
occurs. That's why we recommend raising the lights when using Gravity.
Using a 400 Watt light gives you a better margin for safety than a 1000W.
The above info should get you on the right path. These products are all
very potent compared to a lot of the swill on the market and they really
work. We sell huge amounts of these products in our store. If they didn't
do what they're supposed to do someone would have shot me or burned down my
store by now!
