Some Stupid Questions...


Active Member
1. FF soil is expensive...can I reuse it after harvest?
2. When growing in soil do I test ph via run off or both run off and what I put in?
3. Should I ph test my water after putting the nuts in?
4. Do I still put clones into rock wool if they are going into soil after they root?

I know I'm going to have more but I've been pondering these today. Any help greatly appreciated.



1. Possible but not recommended.
2. Only what you put, if the soil is low pH you start your watering with high pH water like 7.6 to balance the soil for future watering at 6.2 for perfect feeding.
3. You always test the final solution you created before watering so yes.
4. Yes rockwool works great in soil but don't forget the rockwool with remain very damp inside the soil so you don't have to water as much at start.


Active Member
Wow, thank you so much Zakola. With great help like this zekolas i grow will be niiiiice. That sucks about the soil. This is going to be my first grow and I'm quickly realizing the cost of growing your own herbs. You said it was possible...could you tell me what to do if I do want to reuse? I bet you just flush it then go harder on the nutrients because there is none. Oh and ph it from run off. Let me know if I'm right because that would mean I'm learning without even doing yet... Thanks again.

Light House

Active Member
Go ahead and add a little diatamacheous earth and dolomite lime into the mix. The earth will prevent bugs in your soil. The lime will adjust ph properly over time.


Active Member
Ok, so add that to the used soil? Another dumb question is...if I smoke allot of cigs by my plants (in tents) is that bad for them?


Well-Known Member
1. FF soil is expensive...can I reuse it after harvest?
2. When growing in soil do I test ph via run off or both run off and what I put in?
3. Should I ph test my water after putting the nuts in?
4. Do I still put clones into rock wool if they are going into soil after they root?

I know I'm going to have more but I've been pondering these today. Any help greatly appreciated.

1: I"ve done it before, with pretty good results. If you are doing it because of cash reasons or availability, then you should be just fine. I've got some old FFoF that was only used for one grow and I'll re use it sometime in the future. Just make sure you break the roots COMPLETELY up. Its best to do it in a big rubbermaid container.

4: Yes.

The cig smoke will be ok. Although purists will probably say no.

Light House

Active Member
Ok, so add that to the used soil? Another dumb question is...if I smoke allot of cigs by my plants (in tents) is that bad for them?
Yeup add both those 1cubic foot bag I usually ad just under an oz of lime. And the earth you can either top dress or mix into soil or both. I do both mix in about 1/2 cup per 1 cubic foot bag. Then top dress with the stuff but add another layer of soil so that the dust does not blow around from a fan.


Active Member
Ok, now a nutrient question. I don't have money to waste on stuff that either doesn't work or isn't worth using. Can I just use these two things from home depot? Is the NPK right? This for veg: and this for flower:;food;203143792-_-202817750-_-N#.ULhLW4Y8p8E OR should I stick with name brands like FF or general organics?


Ursus marijanus
Ok, now a nutrient question. I don't have money to waste on stuff that either doesn't work or isn't worth using. Can I just use these two things from home depot? Is the NPK right? This for veg: and this for flower:;food;203143792-_-202817750-_-N#.ULhLW4Y8p8E OR should I stick with name brands like FF or general organics?
If you wish to reuse your Fox Farm, i would recommend treating it as "depleted" and using a full-service hydroponic feed. I would also steer you away from the General Organics and toward General Hydroponics Flora Series 3-component (which I've used with FF soil) or Dyna Gro "1 1/2-component" (they have a one-bottle Grow and a Bloom, as well as Cal-Mag), which someone I respect uses in a soilless app.

If you admix dolomite as suggested, you won't need to bother checking pH. cn


Well-Known Member
if your going to cheap out on growing you might as well not grow. get new soil for every grow. if you grow your stuff right you will save money growing your own. it cost a little up front but pays off for itself a thousand times over in the end.


Active Member
Drolove... I've invested $2500 this week on my setup. I'm about to invest 500 more on just soil and nutrients. I am in know way cheaping out on this. I just wanted to know if I could reuse soil with confidence. It looks like hydro costs way less. I may be moving to a DWC setup after I get a couple soil grows under my belt. I hear soil is more forgiving.