Some really weird leafs. How did this happend?


Active Member
I have a problem i hope you can help me with. Badly my english isnt that good so i hope the pictures will be to some help.

Info: In cocos 3,5liter pots and 7liter pots. Canna nutrients. Temps in order. They are in 12/12 now.

However, i pretty rescently saw this weird leafs. And the plants that is worst have made some stretching to.
But its just 5 out of about 20 plants that been like this. Strains are k2 and ak48.

No more writing, here are pics


Active Member
I have a problem i hope you can help me with. Badly my english isnt that good so i hope the pictures will be to some help.

Info: In cocos 3,5liter pots and 7liter pots. Canna nutrients. Temps in order. They are in 12/12 now.

However, i pretty rescently saw this weird leafs. And the plants that is worst have made some stretching to.
But its just 5 out of about 20 plants that been like this. Strains are k2 and ak48.

No more writing, here are pics
I am a passionate coco grower myself and have grown big assed plants in 7l pots with no rootbound problems but 3.5 is cutting it a bit low even for coco, the root ball alone is about that volume on a helathy seedgrown plant in bloom.

Anyway, imo the plants looks very healty and why the leaves grow like that I don't know. Is the genetics proven or do you at least know what seedbank etc they are from?

If the plants look that fine and if they keep on adding bio mass as they should I wouldn't worry about it, looks funny though :D



Active Member
Hi and thanks for the replys. It isnt low humidity thats for sure :)
Also sounds strange that it should be genetics when its on more than one strain.

Its not the leafs im most nervous for, its the stretching that thoose plants have done.

Have a nice day!


Active Member
Hi and thanks for the replys. It isnt low humidity thats for sure :)
Also sounds strange that it should be genetics when its on more than one strain.

Its not the leafs im most nervous for, its the stretching that thoose plants have done.

Have a nice day!
All MJ plants have a stretching period (or two) that normally starts one week or so after you flip to 12/12 and goes on for 2-3 weeks normally.
During this period the plants can grow 2-7cm/day (~1-3 inches).
That will stop after 3 weeks tops normally. There might be another brief stretch for 5-7 days later also but after that they basically dont grow at all vertically.

These stretches are programmed in the plants and can't be stopped with more lights even if it can be worse with bad light.
There are some techniques you can use if you run out of height though.
The best thing is to know this in advance and prepare for it.
if you find yourself in a situation where they have to be stopped then break the stems a bit below the forming cola and hang the cola with a piece of string or what have you so it grows about horizontal.
After a few days the stem will have healed with basically no growth lost. It will turn up and after a while you can break the stem again, if needed, to make it grow as a tilted "Z" almost.

These are resillient plants.

If this happens during any other period it is normally because of bad light, always basically. Keep the lights as close as you can safelly do always, you want those nodes to stay as close as possible to eachother.
