some music talk


Active Member
I am a DJ. Been using my DJ name since May 14, 2009. Come to find out, lately, there are 3 other people with my DJ name. One person being from the same city as me. I saw he was checking out my music so I messaged him to thank him. Then I asked him how he came to be inspired to name himself. He told me he was born with that name, and I was like, "your birth name?" and he said "Yeah, my parents named me this." If I get a copyright on my DJ, and that is his birth name, how does that work? Anyone know?
looks like the only option is for the other dj to change his birth name to something interesting like another person's real name. that'd be the smart thing to do.
looks like the only option is for the other dj to change his birth name to something interesting like another person's real name. that'd be the smart thing to do.

I am thinking if I get a copyright on MY DJ name, as an artist, even though he has that birth name, he cannot use it as an artist.
I disagree.

If you implied that about me, not using my real name, I'd sock you in your real face. How about you just call yourself DJ No Name.

So what you're saying is, legally, it wouldn't matter? If I got a copyright I couldn't cease and desist him?
So what you're saying is, legally, it wouldn't matter? If I got a copyright I couldn't cease and desist him?
legally I don't know tbh. you two shld be able to work it out together by slightly changing your names to make a distinction. if u both have similar names, i think it wld act as cooperative marketing and help u both keep your names in front of potential customers. I'd never tell someone to cease and desist from using their actual own name for business purposes, but that's just me.
Hey OP. I think you'd want to trademark the name, not copyright it. Just like all the stupid patents out there, you could own it, then stop everyone else from using it or sue them.
Why not call yourself DJ
? I don't think he's using it anymore...