some leaves are starting to fold?

Some of my leaves on my tallest plant, closest to the light are starting to fold in like a long way (hotdog) not too bad but noticeable. the temp is not too hot, its actually steady at about 68 degrees, with 44 humidity. wondering what it might be?


Well-Known Member
sounds liek heat, especially if its happening to the ones closest to the lamp. just because the room is cool doesn't mean the top of the plants are.

it could also be that they are just happy, depending on how bad they are folded. show pics if you can


New Member
yu p waht above posted and if there curlying up could tell you it wants water like saying in plant terms water me
yeah im not going to be able to show a pic which sucks i know. but imagine a healthy leaf slowly starting to fold in half long ways, not curling up or browning or anything like that. still healthy looking just weird. hopefully its nothing


Well-Known Member
moce the light up a few inches, maybe just 2, and if you can have a small fan blowing air onthe bulb


Well-Known Member
I you know what I mean. too much light= too much heat. But anywho, its a pretty easy diagnosis. Leaves RARELY fold along the petiole for anything other than to conserve moisture.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
No sign of burn? Not every little thing is a problem. Mine do that a lot. It's called taco-ing on a few other sites. They'll do it for a while then stop. If you sit and watch the plants they move around and do all sorts of strange shit. Wait until you go in and turn on the lights and all the girls are limp!! Leaves hanging down like they were dead!!! Freaked me the F___out, I gotta tell you. But an hour later they were fine.
If there is not a sign of necrosis (burned or brittle areas) just keep an eye on them. It's probably nothing. One of the hardest things I had to learn was not to panic over stuff. It could be heat as the others have stated. Just keep an eye on it.

I never thought about them conserving moisture. i do keep a relatively low RH in flower. Like 35-40%


Well-Known Member
conserving moisture would mean its getting to hot, and since its on the tops near the bulb, it is most likely heat, move the lamp up a few and your worries are gone, or place a fan on the bulb.

and again to much heat does not always = to much heat
fasho thanks everybody, im probably gonna raise the light and inch or two as little as i can basically and see if that helps, because my only concern is some of the other plants i have flowering are a little shorter than that, my space queens are short as hell haha


Well-Known Member
fasho thanks everybody, im probably gonna raise the light and inch or two as little as i can basically and see if that helps, because my only concern is some of the other plants i have flowering are a little shorter than that, my space queens are short as hell haha
If they are canoeing you will have to raise it 8-12".Put the short ones up on buckets for eg.


Well-Known Member
8-12 inches? i would not go that high, you might not have to raise it at all if you place a small fan blowing on the bulb and tops of the plants. i would not raise it near 8 inches high maybe 2