Some growing problems I have


Active Member
So, I’ve had a couple problems with my grow in the past half week or so.
first off, notice the discoloration And the tips of the leaves. I subjected this to light burn, I’ve actually changed my LED from on to off and switched it out for a CFL. I didn’t have problems with the led, green as ever, so I’m thinking of just switching back


secondly, the poor lad isn’t growing fast, or really at all I think. It’s been about a week, and it has stayed the same other than the discoloration. It hasn’t tried to reach out for any light, and it seems to have just stopped growing. It’s still barely out of the soil, and when I look at other seedlings of other people I find that they are much much bigger by this point in my seedlings life.
Any help?
You’re over thinking it. It’s too early to tell anything at this point. Just don’t over water. Once the roots set down she’ll start growing. Are you going into soil with those?
You’re over thinking it. It’s too early to tell anything at this point. Just don’t over water. Once the roots set down she’ll start growing. Are you going into soil with those?
No, I have a hydroponics system set up. Top fed into rapid rooters.. and alright, I’ll definitely give it more time to see where it goes.