Some assistance please


New Member
Good evening, please may i ask for some assistance I have 3 moby dick feminised plants growing indoor with lighting at night and outdoor in a controlled environment during the day, germinated in water then moved into a jiffy pellet they have been growing reasonably well but yesterday I noticed odd lines appearing on the lower set of leaves on 1 of my plants. Does anybody perhaps know what could be causing this or how I can help this little plant cause this little plant has stopped thriving like her 2 sisters. I read there is an issue uploading / veiwing photos but I'm going to try post the pics of her I took this evening.20180108_211533.jpg



Active Member
Looks either over watered or under watered. Also looks very pale. I would think it needs some nutes. But if you are underwatered then it will just need water.


New Member
Thank you for responding Smoke and Crouching, I've done some reading up on these bugs quickly and applied slight pressure to the leaf along the lines as suggested, I've taken measurement of the line and will check on her in the morning. Going grow shop for pesticides tomorrow cause not entirely sure how mites or white flies got onto her but thankful for the help and I'll keep the post upto date just to stay on the ball if she deteriorates in any manner. Really fond of this little plant I've been nursing her since i found her root ball in a slight knot so she has gotten her nutrients and what I think to be sufficient watering but this is my first proper grow to be honest


Well-Known Member
Good news, if it's a bug you should be able to deal with it easily as you're doing. Just look at it every day to find if there is any new damage (as if you're not looking every hour. lol)

It's not whiteflies. You can't mistake those. Touch the plant and what looks like dandruff will start flying around. That's also not mite damage.

Please don't love it to death. Take your time to figure out just what's happening.
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New Member
Hello again everybody, managed to get her healthy and she has been growing well until the dreaded reoccurance lol please take a look at these pics and offer some advice if possible, the best description I have for it is as if she is "drying up" her lower set of leaves started to changed colour 2 mornings ago after I had applied her bi-weekly neem oil treatment and now last night I found what seems to be a shriveled effect almost as if the leaves are curling up. I gave her somemore nutes (nitrosol) last night and found in morning the leaves have very little play (hardly any movement and what does move doesn't feel natural like I have to apply way to much pressure just to get it to move slightly). Ps. Her leaves feel papery so I assumed nutes and water but I've been wrong at almost every turn lol



New Member
Yes this little plant was plagued with bugs from the start to be brutally honest but i have been following a bioneem routine with her like a religion so hoping that will eventually have the desired effect (am of the opinion African bugs are immune to neem they bathe in it or something lol), the soil mix was prepared by a grow shop here but I'm always open to suggestions and am willing to change things up to get her health again I suppose I should have mentioned I transplanted her last week to her 40L grow box so soil composition may be spot on. Should I get a new soil mix and transplant her again or give it a few more days (2 or 3 max) to see if she adapts to this current mix? I seem to be struggling with the plants I'm focused on and the 1s I let grow in the garden popout like this sweet girl here my African land race sativa I just wish my mobys would grow like this

