Some advice please


Hi all
wasn't sure where to ask this, stealth, cfl or lst or what.
This is my second ever grow and although i'm using the same setup as last time (see sig), the one thing i have changed is the timing. I'm on a 20/4 cycle for vegging and i'm not too sure what to do with her at the mo. She's looking pretty bushy under there and i don't know whether to top her, try lst or what?
She is nearly 4 weeks since seed and i wanted to switch to flower by now but am unsure if i should trim her up a bit first.
Any pointers would be hugely appreciated




Well-Known Member
I'd say top her now, turning two weeks tie her to the left for a week then over to the right for a week and let her bush out. Tie down all strong side branches and flip to flower after a week or two. Make sure the main stem is atleast as big as your thumb. Before you flower.


Cheers all, I'll top her tonight and spend a bit of time over the weekend trying out a bit of tying and bending.