solar powered generator!!


Active Member
Hey all.. yea today I was token some of that bob marley and out of no where it just hit me and my mind started racing all these ideas and visuals and my brain just nutted.. I should build a solar power generator for my grow room and cut my cost.. I am a genius, pure fucckin genius and i love you bob marley!! Hoping to get everyones 2 cents on this setup.. and any ideas and comments good or bad.. heres a few links that I found. and also does anyone know how long can a 12volt battery power a 400 watt grow light?

puff puff pass!!yEeee:peace:


Well-Known Member
To be honest the most feasible/cost effective solar panel you probably could afford would only be able to run a small pump during the day time hours. Solar panels aren't very efficient (not now, and maybe never). This is sad considering how much god damn power our sun has. Solar panels are just fucking expensive. Shit the new toyota Prius in Japan has a solar panel option and the only thing that fucker does is run a small fan in the car. At first toyota wanted the solar panel to run the AC unit but they couldn't find an efficient enough panel to do so. Trust me that car has a surprisingly large solar panel on top too.

I think what would be feasible to you is to have a few panels just run the pumps. Solar panels should be reliable enough for that, but I wouldn't run my lighting through one unless I had one of those really kick ass several thousands of dollar rigs.


Well-Known Member
i researched this about a year ago and it would cost roughly 12k to buy one that put out enough power. The investment in one would be a waste. even for pumps i think.