Sol | E-Nectar Collector Dab/Wax Pen Vaporizer..the BEST of 2020?


Well-Known Member
Not my review, but dead on..for $79.95+++? this review was buried but still my fault because i should've read them all..this place has a 30-day-money back going to give it a week..out of the box i had one awesome rip after 3-hour charge (not charged on delivery) then the product was boiling the can. I'm going to say their battery has issue and this is going to big problem since you can't trust battery will be fully charged. it looked like one of the coils was not fully soldered, which could have been the issue. ordered more cans and we'll see..the experience with 'nail'..if it won't stay hot after waiting 3 hours?

Schuylaar's says: Disappointed

Know what 2 expect......
I'd like start by saying, Know what 2 expect. This Sol is more for a personal use, and small secession. Also with this device, the nector collector is more a heat up to air vape system. Meaning that the straw part not as cut n dry like a torch and a dab nector collector hit....CERTAINLY can be a process, Also Seems the straw part will suck up the concentrate n ur heating up n just collect just inside the straw. To get a hit just heat up, keep nose down n soon u hear bubbling keep hitting till unclogged. I hope that in future, or next gen that straw part to have a much bigger opening, something similar to 14mm tips n continue that opening all the way thro body for much better flow air, concentrate intake less like be suck up, n of course bigger hits. The battery is something also be desired. Do 2 the trickiness at times, or the thickness of the concentrate. The battery can drain quickly n downside.......long recharge time. The atomizer part works as expected with the low setting provides quality hits, n little longer battery live. Over all the price is competitive to other like products, I chose between Sol & Dipp Dapper dab rig. Will continue 2 use for those road trips, work, even at home. Would recommend but it's not for everyone. HOPE this helps.
By JRealz on 3/12/2020
